Tuesday, 6 February 2018

5ss الفوركس

5ss الفوركس.

5ss الفوركس.

الملف الشخصي لشركة 5ssfx @ فوريكس فاكتوري.

حتى إذا لم تكن قد تداولت الفوركس قبل، RM6 5SS 0208 597 0181. لقراءة الاستعراضات لهذه الفرصة، أو لإضافة الاستعراض الخاص بك، يرجى تسجيل الدخول.

Откройте демо-счет на Форекс! - Форекс с лицензией ЦБ.

5 إشارات النجوم تعتقد أنه مع شركائنا في خطة استراتيجية متعددة لدينا مزيج ممتاز لمساعدتك 5 إشارات النجوم، 5SS، والعمولات، الفوركس، بم عالية المخاطر.

5SS بم - اختبار أداء الحساب المدار من قبل الفوركس.

آخر تغريدات من بيتي هوانغ (@ business109): & كوت؛ كسر هذا الصباح عالية سوف تأخذ الزوج إلى أعلى قناة المذكورة أعلاه. t. co/8FBY9VtUAM".

مايكل & كوت؛ مايك & كوت؛ كلارك - بلومبرج.

Свежие с годовой гарантией. Быстрая доставка. 250 пунктов самовывоза.

هل التجارة مع هذا الاتجاه أو ماذا؟ - أسئلة المبتدئين.

الأسهم: هاري (5SS)، الشركة: هاري'S هولدينغز لت.، الوصف: هاري القابضة المحدودة هي شركة قابضة. وتشارك الشركة في تشغيل الحانات والمقاهي.

5Star سيغنالس وردويد - الصفحة الرئيسية | فيس بوك.

02.01.2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ # 5SS # داريتودرماغين # باتيرواي # فوريكس # ماناجيداكونت # باسيفكوم # ميليوندولارس

إنتاج كس (@ ks_production1) | تغريد.

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روبرت كلينكنبرغ - + غوغل

135 تعليقات حول "5 نجوم مراجعة الإشارات: التوظيف والطرف الثالث الفوركس ماريسكا لانجنبرغ هو العودة على فب الرياء عن 5SS وسيط الفوركس تالينكس،

5Star سيغنالس وردويد - الصفحة الرئيسية | فيس بوك.

استراتيجية الفوركس دمك من قبل نيل ليتش هو نظام تداول العملات الأجنبية التي تدعي أن تكون سهلة الاستخدام ولا يحتاج إلى خبرة سابقة لمتابعة. ويتوقع البرنامج الربحية.

في نهاية المطاف التنبؤ الفوركس كيث كوتيريل - الأعمال.

ماريسكا فان دي لانجنبرغ | شبكة التسويق المهنية، مدرب، عاشق الحياة، ويفضل حياة جيدة؛) الحب لإعطاء، ثم إعطاء أكثر قليلا!

بب 'في الأسهم هافن: إتست 0.5ss الحصول على اشترى، أوبليستينغ.

فوركس أوتف 380 أوسب 2.0 تف بوكس ​​ويندوز 7 سائق - تداول كفد هو، forxpros. nl كالندر غامسوم باركر الحساء، 5ss الاثارة الاثارة بخيبة أمل.

أي 5 إشارات النجوم التعليقات الغش أو لا - أي شخص سمعت.

روبرت كلينكنبرغ - + غوغل. اضغط على علامة الاستفهام لرؤية مفاتيح الاختصار المتاحة.

4-ترادرس | إدي الفنبين: "الاستثمار الذكي.

قارن 99 يبحث الآلاف من المتاجر مثل الأمازون و إيباي لتجد لك أفضل الأسعار ل لندن الفوركس في لحظة. إذا لم نتمكن من العثور على الفوركس لندن ثم فرص.

العثور على تجارة إشارات رخيصة في ما يصل الى 70٪ قبالة - كل يوم.

قارن 99 يبحث الآلاف من المتاجر مثل الأمازون و إيباي لتجد لك أفضل الأسعار فوركس المهنية في لحظة. إذا لم نتمكن من العثور على الفوركس المهنية.

البحث عن الفوركس رخيصة المهنية في ما يصل الى 70٪ قبالة - مقارنة 99.

Торгуйте на бесплатном демо-счете с балансом 5000 $!

غوتوميتينغ اجتماع إشارات تطبيقات الروبوت.

04.12.2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ المؤتمر الصحفي للبنك المركزي الأوروبي يؤدي الزخم الرئيسي في ور / أوسد. نشر في 4 ديسمبر 2018؛ ستيف توماس. # 5SS #Forex #PAMM. الموسومة ب: سوق المال.

5 إشارات النجوم: استراتيجيات بم كبي.

استراتيجيات بم كبي للتأهل للوصول إلى 5SS بم يجب أن يكون لديك 5SS تسميات: 5 إشارات النجوم، 5SS، والعمولات، الفوركس، عالية المخاطر بم، منخفضة.

دمك استعراض استراتيجية الفوركس - الرهان الرهان.

في محاولة لكسب المال مع 5SS لتغطية كمية هائلة من الديون انه حصل على نفسه 28 تعليقات على "5 إشارات الفوركس فوركس تأسست على سنوات من الأكاذيب.

الفوركس أوتف 380 أوسب 2.0 تف بوكس ​​ويندوز 7 سائق - كفد.

فوركس. ستجد أدناه قائمة بالمناقشات في منتديات الفوركس في منتديات Trade2Win. ناقش أسواق العملات.

فوريكس مضمونة - مراجعة فرصة الأعمال.

شركاء الطاقة البديلة إيغي الأسهم مساج بوارد: 5ss هي down..wonder إذا كانت تلك محاولة وكرز.

Секреты успешной торговли فوريكس.

تطبيقات: - GoToMeeting لقاء اجتماع-اجتماع مسجل-تبغ إشارات-إشارات M. أفضل تطبيقات الروبوت تطبيقات غوتوميتينغ إشارات الاجتماع: الروبوت اللوحي الهاتف الذكي.

5SS بم - اختبار أداء الحساب المدار من قبل الفوركس.

نحن نقدر 5StarsSignals تقاسم أداء الحساب الخاص بهم مع المجتمع فوركسبياسارمي التجار! 2018-09-01 5SS بم اختبار حقيقي تحطمت وحرقت.

5starsignals - السلبي تداول الفوركس والمهنية.

مرحبا ووريورز، لا أحد لديه بعض الخبرة في بيع المنتجات الموجهة الفوركس. لقد وضعت منتج من بلدي.

5 مراجعة إشارات النجوم: التوظيف و 3rd الطرف الفوركس.

ونظرا لأنك لم تسجل الدخول، فلا نملك أي وسيلة للعودة إليك بعد حل المشكلة، لذا يرجى تقديم اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكتروني إذا لزم الأمر.

20 أكتوبر 2018.

بحث الفوركس والتجارة الأفكار من فكستيشستراتيغي.

بب 'مخزون الأسهم مجلس الرسائل: إتست 0.5ss الحصول على اشترى، أوبليستينغ القادمة!

Поможем вернуть деньги от брокера.

الحقيقي اختبار أداء المال من 5StarSignals في فوركسبياسارمي. جميع فبا اختبارات الأداء غير تصفية، سحبها مباشرة من MT4.

المؤتمر الصحفي للبنك المركزي الأوروبي يؤدي إلى ارتفاع رالي في ور / أوسد.

4-ترادرس | إدي الفنبين: "الاستثمار الذكي هو أكثر من مجرد نهج عقلي مما هو عليه من التقنية." - بن غراهام https://t. co/5ssMLhRV6i.

4-ترادرس | أريزونا أخبار: حربية أوس غابرييل.

30.01.2017 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ حول metatrader4 :: ترتيب اليكسا: 52463، إيرادات الإعلانات: 169 دولار أمريكي في السنة، عنوان إب: - منصة ميتاترادر ​​4 هي منصة تداول مجانية.

51 أكبر المحركين من يوم أمس | Benzinga.

5 إشارات النجوم في جميع أنحاء العالم. 225 ليكيس. 5 إشارات النجوم هي شركة في مهمة لتعليم أكبر عدد ممكن ممكن كيفية تداول الفوركس للبقاء! . # 5ss كم.

إخلاء المسؤولية القانونية عن منتج الفوركس | المحارب المنتدى - و.

إذا لم نتمكن من العثور على الفوركس البضائع ثم فرص لا بيكو DFS05010W A + غسالة صحون سليملاين 45CM 10 مكان أبيض جديد. & # 163؛ 1 ساحة، ليتواتر، ساري، GU18 5SS.


فابولوس ثيمس & أمب؛ عوائد رائعة.

النحاس. 5SS K4 سس تفيسترم لنيون هاتف o1؛ كس علاج. 13ec i ميس. كوم 70 70S T0 بوندز التبغ الأمريكي 4. 9.4 & أمبير؛ S كم 954 الأمريكية التبغ سس. 1S0S 120S 137S كبس C. B i.

التركيب الكيميائي - المعادن الثمينة.

تفاعل ضعيف.

الغوص في بيثون - سكريبد.

قارن أسعار تأجير السيارات من جميع الموردين الرئيسيين مع بحث سريع واحد. نحن جعل البحث مريحة وسهلة، ولها تأجير السيارات المتاحة في أكثر من 40،000 المواقع. أمر على إغلاق (لوك) يتم تقديم طلب في الإغلاق وسوف تنفذ إذا كان سعر الإغلاق في أو أفضل من سعر الحد.

صفحة صحيفة نص ذي كوريه ثيرو كان 6 محادثات الكلام بين المشرعين ثو من استصواب تخفيض ثو الفائدة المدفوعة على أوامر الدولة من سبعة إلى خمسة. تبحث عن مهنة المحاسبة في تورونتو؟ تحقق من هذه الوظائف المحاسبة في تورونتو التي يمكن أن تكون الخطوة التالية في حياتك المهنية! جافاسكريبت و جكري - جون داكيت. النظام • دعوة 4A إاكيريوا بلياي 5SS. صفيف الخطوط الأولى من التعليمات البرمجية على اليسار إنشاء مصفوفة تحتوي على. في الاقتصاد، العملة المحلية هي العملة التي يمكن أن تنفق في منطقة جغرافية معينة في المنظمات المشاركة. العملة الإقليمية هي شكل من أشكال. حزمة المعلومات النهائية حول الزجاج & أمب؛ الحاويات البلاستيكية المحدودة بما في ذلك أداء الشركة، والعلامات التجارية، وبيانات الاتصال، والبيانات المالية، واسم الشركة.

بدء دراسة امتحان سم 2 الفعلي. تعلم المفردات ،. لوك C) غلوك D) ليس. لماذا قائمة من 5Ss في بعض الأحيان سبعة عناصر ؟.I'd إعطاء هذا 4.5 نجوم إذا كنت يمكن فقط لأن واحدة من صناديق التعشيش والجزء العلوي كان من الصعب وضع على ل 62 سنة من العمر المرأة. أخذتني حوالي 40 دقيقة لوضع معا. أزمة الفوركس هو موقع كل شيء عن العملات: الأخبار والآراء والتحليل اليومي والأسبوعي الفوركس، التحليل الفني، والدروس، وأساسيات علامة النقد الاجنبى. (5) ميريديان الائتمان. دخول على الانترنت الفوركس التاجر (العمل من المنزل). وأستراليا، سس & أمب؛ C يوفر صناعة الخدمات المالية العالمية مع مجموعة واسعة من MT4 الخبراء المستشارين لتجارة النقد الاوتوماتيكي الآلي. لوكترايلينغ هو 9 في 1 الآلي وقف الخسارة النظام مستشار خبير زائدة (إي) مع وظيفة التعادل. فيزياء الجسيمات، والتفاعل الضعيف (القوة الضعيفة أو القوة النووية الضعيفة) هي واحدة من أربعة التفاعلات الأساسية المعروفة من الطبيعة، جنبا إلى جنب مع قوي.

cs. princeton. edu.


Freenet. kg الآلي تجارة الفوركس البرمجيات | أون لاين ستوك.

تحميل المنزل؛ الأجهزة المنزلية؛ مراقبة المناخ؛ مدافئ؛ M - صحيفة Archive. Flickr الصور والمجموعات والعلامات المتعلقة "46C-88،" فليكر tag. A مجلة وقائع جمعية ولاية فلوريدا، في لها. جلسة.

كامبريدج إنترناشونال ستاندارد غريك بابيري - إيف.

o ضع علامة في المربع إذا تم تعويض أي جزء من الرسوم على النحو المنصوص عليه في القاعدة 0-11 (أ) (2) وتحديد الإيداع الذي تم دفع رسوم المقاصة له سابقا. كنت قد قرأت الاتفاق وأنك توافق على الالتزام بشروطه.

5StarSignals (ماريسكا فان دي لانجنبرغ) مراجعة.

اختبارات الأداء.

مناقشة حية.

تاريخ مناقشة حية من 5StarSignals (ماريسكا فان دي لانجنبرغ) في منتدانا.

قضايا المحكمة.

فتح 0 تقرر 0 غير مذنب 0 مذنب 0.

اسمحوا التجار الآخرين يعرفون ما إذا كانت هذه الخدمة يستحق التدقيق أو ينبغي تجنبها.

ملاحظاتك تهم!

أنا أحب الطريقة أصحاب التواصل مع أعضاء: بطريقة مفتوحة جدا وشفافة! لديهم أيضا رؤية واضحة لمساعدة حقا القليل من المستثمرين لتصبح غنية. وهي واضحة جدا في تصريحاتها حول مخاطر تداول العملات الأجنبية، بحيث يعرف كل واحد ما يمكن توقعه، وما هو مستوى المخاطر يناسبه.

ويجدون أن التعليم بشأن الامتثال أمر بالغ الأهمية، ونتوقع من كل عضو أن يتصرف بطريقة متوافقة. يكرهون الحيل، ويعلمون كيفية تجنبها. كما أنها تعلم الكثير من الحقائق الفوركس. وهذا، بطريقة مضحكة جدا. فمن كل يوم الفرح لقراءة والتفاعل في مجموعة الفيسبوك عضو مغلقة.

5StarSignals هي شركة ملم الذي لا يوجد لديه المنتج البدني، وأنها تبيع فقط التدريب المتوسط ​​المشتركة في الفيديو والفيسبوك المجموعات.

على الموقع يتم الإعلان عن الأمن غير المسجلة التي هي غير قانونية للبيع دون تسجيل مناسب. السلطات في هولندا تتصاعد بالفعل:

هو تاجر العملات الأجنبية الايرلندي دين الأسود الذي لم يعطي المال من حسابات بم القديمة إلى قريب له "دين الشارع".

الحصول على رمز القطعة.

الفوركس التعليقات والتصنيفات.

اختبارات أداء الفوركس.

فوركس ترادرس كورت.

تجارة الفوركس التعليم والمنتديات المجتمعية.

تقويم الفوركس والأدوات.

تداول العملات الأجنبية أو العقود مقابل الفروقات على النفوذ مرتفع المخاطر وقد تتجاوز خسائرك الودائع.


خدمتنا الأكثر شعبية هي عضوية 27 $، حيث يتم إرسال ما يقدر 2-5 نوعية إشارات الفوركس أسبوعيا لقاعدة الأعضاء لدينا على الفور عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني والتطبيق المحمول مجانا.

- هل سبق لك أن حاولت كسب المال على الانترنت؟

- من أي وقت مضى حاول الفوركس؟

- أعتقد أنك لم تحاول 5StarSignals، فإنه الصخور.

- لا تريد أن تتاجر نفسك؟

ليس هناك أى مشكلة. تصبح عضوا أساسيا ل $ 27 في الشهر، تأكد من إيداع 1000 $ على الأقل في حساب وسيط لدينا في اسمك والسماح التجار لدينا القيام بهذا العمل بالنسبة لك. تعلم كيفية التداول من التجار المحترفين الحصول على وقف حقيقي ونسيان إشارات التداول كسب المال مع التداول في حين تعلم كسب المال عن طريق دعوة أفضل أصدقائك السماح التجار المهنية إدارة أموالك (دقيقة 1000 $) وبني ثروتك. فقط 27 $ في الشهر.

5 مراجعة إشارات النجوم: التوظيف و 3rd الطرف الفوركس.

5 إشارات النجوم تعمل في الفوركس الامتيازات المتخصصة ويبدو أن يكون مقرها من ايرلندا.

وفقا لشروط وأحكام 5 نجوم إشارة:

يقيم اختصاص ومكان أي مسألة غير خاضعة للتحكيم في جمهورية أيرلندا.

تتجه حتى 5 إشارات 5 نجوم هو الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة ماريسكا فان دي لانجنبرغ.

وفقا ل فان دي لانجنبرغ & # 8217؛ ق 5 نجوم إشارات الشركات الحيوية، لديها.

أكثر من 25 عاما في إدارة الشركات الدولية وأكثر من 5 سنوات في شبكة التسويق.

ويكشف المزيد من الأبحاث أن فان دي لانجنبرغ (يمين) كان تابعا لشركة غلوبال وان و بونوفا في عام 2018.

العالمي واحد أطلقت في البداية في عام 2018 كما في نهاية المطاف أرباح الطاقة وسعت للاستفادة من المكافآت زيك قرش مزاد جنون بونزي في ذلك الوقت.

بعد تمثال نصفي سيك من المكافآت زيك في أغسطس 2018، تخلى العالمية واحد خطط لإطلاق مزاد قرشها بونزي.

الشركة مقيدة على طول فرصة التوظيف على التوالي لمدة سنة أخرى أو نحو ذلك، قبل ان ينهار تماما في منتصف عام 2018.

فان دي لانجنبرغ عالقة مع الشركة حتى تركتها لبونوفا في مايو 2018.

تدفع الشركات التابعة لشركة بونوفا رسوما للانضمام ثم تحصل على عمولات عن طريق توظيف شركات تابعة أخرى تفعل الشيء نفسه.

كما قامت الشركة بإدارة برنامج نقاط غير مسج لة لألوراق المالية، كان من المفترض أن يعلق على طرح االكتتاب العام.

ويبدو أن بونوفا قد انهارت في أواخر العام الماضي.

يبدو أن فان دي لانجنبرغ قد خرج خارجا مع تراجع بونوفا، مع إطلاق 5 نجوم إشارات في منتصف 2018.

وفقا ل فان دي لانجنبرج & # 8217؛ s الفيسبوك، انها مقرها من أمستردام في هولندا. وهذا يشير إلى أن 5 نجوم إشارات مسجلة في أيرلندا بالاسم فقط.

قراءة للحصول على مراجعة كاملة من 5 نجوم إشارات الامتيازات التجارية فرصة.

5 نجوم إشارات خط الانتاج.

5 إشارات النجوم لا يوجد لديه منتجات أو خدمات قابلة للتجزئة، مع الشركات التابعة فقط قادرة على تسويق 5 نجوم إشارات عضوية التابعة نفسها.

خطة تعويضات 5 نجوم.

خطة التعويضات 5 نجوم إشارات يرى الشركات التابعة دفع رسوم ومن ثم الحصول على أموال لتجنيد الآخرين الذين يفعلون الشيء نفسه.

يتم دفع العمولات المتبقية إذا استثمرت الشركات التابعة الأموال مع وسطاء طرف ثالث وقد وقعت 5 نجوم إشارات كشركاء أنفسهم.

اللجان المتبقية.

يتم دفع العمولات المتبقية في 5 إشارات النجوم من خلال 10 & # 215؛ 10 هيكل تعويض مصفوفة.

مصفوفة 10 & # 215؛ 10 يضع التابعة لها في الجزء العلوي من المصفوفة، مع عشر وظائف مباشرة تحتها.

وتشكل هذه المواضع العشرة المستوى الأول للمصفوفة، مع المستوى الثاني من المصفوفة الناتجة عن تقسيم كل من المواضع العشرة الأولى إلى عشرة مواقع أخرى لكل منها (100 موضع).

وبهذه الطريقة يتم إنشاء كل مستوى لاحق من المصفوفة، لما مجموعه 11.1 مليار موقف.

وبالنظر إلى هذا هو أكثر من سكان الأرض، 5 إشارات النجوم تكشف بسهولة.

تجعل نفسك لا الأوهام، وأنك لن تكون قادرة على ملء تلك المصفوفة.

وسيتطلب ذلك 10 مليارات شخص على مستواك العاشر ولن يحدث ذلك أبدا.

لماذا ثم 5 إشارات النجوم تستخدم بنية مصفوفة أنهم يعرفون الشركات التابعة لا يمكن ملء غير واضح.

في أي حال، يتم دفع العمولات كنسبة مئوية من رسوم الشركات التابعة عند الاشتراك كما يلي:

لاحظ أنه بما أن الشركات التابعة يتم تحصيل رسوم شهرية، فإن دفعات العمولة المذكورة أعلاه تتكرر شهريا أيضا.

هيئات الوسيط.

إذا 5 إشارات علامة تجارية، فإن الشركة تفرض عليهم عمولة وسيط.

يتم دفع 60٪ من تلك العمولة كعمولات على مستويين من التوظيف (يونيفيل).

يتم دفع 40٪ على العمولات التي يتم الحصول عليها من قبل التابعين المعينين شخصيا & # 8217؛ s التداول، و 20٪ من المجندين (مستواك 2).

عمولات التداول الآلي.

وباستخدام نفس هيكل التعويضات غير المتكافئة كما هو مستخدم في عمولات السمسرة، يمكن أيضا للشركات التابعة الخمس نجوم أن تكسب عمولات من المستوى الثالث على أرباح التداول الآلي.

الأموال المستثمرة من قبل الشركات التابعة المستوى الثالث أكبر من $ 250،000 = 3٪ عمولة على المستوى الثالث صناديق أرباح التداول الآلي المستثمرة من قبل الشركات التابعة المستوى الثالث هو أكبر من 500،000 $ = 5٪ عمولة على المستوى الثالث أموال التداول الآلي الأموال المستثمرة من قبل الشركات التابعة المستوى الثالث أكبر من 1،000،000 $ = عمولة بنسبة 7٪ على أرباح التداول الآلي من المستوى الثالث.

حمام سباحة عالمي شخصي.

يتكون المجمع العالمي الشخصي من 1٪ من إجمالي الأموال المدفوعة في 5 إشارات نجوم من قبل الشركات التابعة.

يتم دفع المجمع بشكل فصلي، مع الشركات التابعة قادرة على التأهل للأسهم في التجمع من خلال تجميع النقاط:

تجنيد المنتسبين النحاس = 1 نقطة تجنيد التابعة البرونزية = 2 نقطة تجنيد التابعة الفضية = 5 نقاط تجنيد التابعة لها الذهب = 10 نقطة.

لكل 100 نقطة يولد التابعة لها، يتم منحهم حصة واحدة في بركة العالمية الشخصية.

فريق غلوبال بول.

يتكون الفريق العالمي غولف بول أيضا من 1٪ من كامل الأموال المدفوعة في 5 نجوم إشارات من قبل الشركات التابعة لها.

كما يتم دفع مجمع "غلوبال بول" بشكل ربع سنوي، مع تخصيص أسهم بناء على جهود التوظيف التي يقوم بها أحد الشركاء التابعين:

الشركة التابعة للنحاس المعين = 0.5 نقطة المجند البرونزي المعين = 1 نقطة التعيين الفضي المعين = 3 نقاط المعين الذهبي المعين = 5 نقاط.

مرة أخرى، لكل 100 نقطة المتراكمة يتم تخصيص حصة واحدة في المجموعة العالمية تجمع.

الانضمام إلى 5 نجوم.

عضوية التابعة لها مع 5 نجوم إشارات هو 10 $ بالإضافة إلى واحد مما يلي:

كما يتم تحميل جميع الشركات التابعة 5 نجوم إشارات 20 دولارا سنويا.


تداول الفوركس، بنشاط أو سلبية، متاحة الآن للجماهير!

المشكلة مع أي شيء سلبي في الامتيازات هو أنه يشكل عادة تقديم الأمن.

لا تسجل شركات الامتيازات المرخصة شركات الأوراق المالية المناسبة (هيئة الأوراق المالية الأمريكية في الولايات المتحدة على سبيل المثال)، وبالتالي تشارك في تقديم الأوراق المالية غير المسجلة.

يبدو أن 5 إشارات ستار مذنب في هذا الأمر، حيث لم أتمكن من العثور على أي مؤشر سجلته لدى المجلس الأعلى للأوراق المالية أو أي جهة أخرى لتنظيم الأوراق المالية لهذه المسألة.

عند تقسيم عرض الأوراق المالية، تستدعي 5 إشارات مرجعية الحد الأدنى لاستثمارات 500 دولار إلى وسطاء طرف ثالث:

5 نجوم استراتيجية مع لا المضاعف & # 8211؛ الحد الأدنى للإيداع 1000 $، ودائع إضافية ممكنة وتهدف إلى تقريبا. 3٪ مكاسب في المتوسط ​​شهريا.

5 نجوم استراتيجية مع X3 المضاعف & # 8211؛ الحد الأدنى للإيداع 500 $، ودائع إضافية ممكنة وتهدف إلى 9-10٪ مكاسب في المتوسط ​​شهريا.

5 نجوم استراتيجية مع X5 المضاعف & # 8211؛ الحد الأدنى للإيداع 1000 دولار، وودائع إضافية ممكنة، وتهدف إلى تحقيق مكاسب بنسبة 15٪ في المتوسط ​​شهريا.

الوسطاء طرف ثالث أو لا، أن & # 8217؛ s ما هو المعلن عنها حاليا على موقع 5 نجوم إشارات.

ويهدف العائد على الاستثمار & # 8220؛ & # 8221؛ على موقع 5 نجوم إشارات ويبدو أن الزائفة الامتثال بالوني، مع فان دي لانجنبرغ الإعلان علنا ​​مضمونة روي في الفيسبوك (27 أغسطس 2018):

الآن ماذا لو كان ذلك يمكن أن يتغير & # 8230؛ حيث يمكن 100٪ من أعضاء كسب المال مع المال جعل منتجات الفوركس (دونهم حتى الحاجة إلى تعلم الفوركس من أجل التجارة) & # 8230 ؛.لذلك يتم أخذ الفشل من إكاسيون (سيك)، كول إيسن & # 8217؛ t؟

أما بقية خطة تعويضات 5 نجوم فهي تعكس ما شاركت فيه ماريسكا فان دي لانجنبرغ في كل من غلوبال وان و بونوفا، التي تجنيد سلسلة.

يمكنك الاشتراك، ودفع رسوم ومن ثم الحصول على أموال لتجنيد الآخرين الذين يفعلون الشيء نفسه.

وهذا وحده يشكل مخططا هرميا، مع عرض أوراق مالية غير مسجلة علم أحمر إضافي.

قضايا بونزي الاحتيال تنشأ أيضا عند النظر في كيفية المعلن 3 إلى 15٪ & # 8220؛ تهدف & # 8221؛ يتم إنشاء عائد الاستثمار شهريا.

على الورق أنه من خلال الفوركس من خلال الفوركس، ولكن إذا كانت الأموال المستثمرة حديثا هي مجرد يجري تعديلا حولها لتسديد المستثمرين الحاليين، ثم كل ما نحن & # 8217؛ إعادة النظر هنا هو هرم بونزي هجين.

وبالنظر إلى فان دي لانجنبرغ & # 8217؛ s الامتيازات التاريخ، التي لن & # 8217؛ ر في كل مفاجأة لي.

وفقا لموقع الفيسبوك التي كتبها فان دي لانجنبرغ بتاريخ 30 سبتمبر 2018:

لقد عززت الفرص التي تحولت إلى عملية احتيال في الماضي، وكان حتى توبليدر في المنتج القائم على نظام الهرم الذي لا يزال يدور حولها.

فمن السهل جدا أن نشير الاصبع وتلعب لعبة اللوم إلى زعيم، إلى أوبلين.

ولكن & # 8230؛ & # 8230؛ لا أحد أجبرك على الاشتراك، وكنت جميعا قادرة على بذل العناية الواجبة الخاصة بك، للقيام بفحص التعقل على خطة عمل. انضممت وانضمت طوعا لأسباب أن تعرف فقط.

خذ هذا المسؤول (كذا) نفسك واعترف أنك فعلت وظيفة سيئة أو ربما حتى أي وظيفة على الإطلاق في البحث مقابل وأصحاب قبل الانضمام. كنت كثيرا لوم كذلك!

مع 5 نجوم إشارات ثقافة الاحتيال الضحية اللوم من المرجح أن تستمر.

في أفضل الأحوال أنت & # 8217؛ النظر في نظام الهرم تعلق على وسطاء طرف ثالث مشكوك فيه. في أسوأ الأحوال، وهو نظام الهرم تعلق على كامل بونزي الاحتيال.

نهج بحذر شديد.

الوظائف ذات الصلة:

5 إشارات نجمية تنهار، أكثر من 180،000 دولار في عمولات مسروقة - 23 يوليو 2018.

135 كومنتس أون & # 8220؛ 5 ستار سيغنالس ريفيو: ريكريتمنت أند 3rd بارتي فوريكس & # 8221؛

حسنا نعم أنها تبدو جيدة على الورق لمعرفة 10 المستويات التي يمكن أن تكسب من.

ومع ذلك لا يجب أن تملأ كل منهم ليتم دفعها من لهم.

الفكرة هي أن لديك غرفة ومكان للجميع أنها تجلب و دونلينس أيضا.

كيف لطيفة منهم.

يمكن لمعظمهم أن يجندوا، وإذا فازوا بالمتوسطات الأكثر ربحا، وجدوا أكثر من ثلاثة.

من المقالة & # 8230؛

وفقا لملف فان دي لانجنبرج في الفيسبوك، وهي مقرها من أمستردام في النرويج. هذا يشير إلى أن 5 نجوم إشارات مسجلة في أيرلندا بالاسم فقط.

قراءة للحصول على مراجعة كاملة من 5 نجوم إشارات الامتيازات التجارية فرصة.

أمستردام هي في هولندا، أكبر مدينة في شمال هولندا منطقة هولندا.

شكرا على اصطياد ذلك. شخص آخر عبر البريد الالكتروني لي عن ذلك أيضا.

ليست المرة الأولى أنا & # 8217؛ في مختلطة هولندا والنرويج حتى، والاعتذار!

ليست المرة الأولى التي مختلطة هولندا والنرويج تصل.

ربما ليس الشيء الوحيد الذي & # 8217؛ لقد حصلت على أشياء مختلطة ثم عوز!

ربما ليس الشيء الوحيد الذي كنت قد حصلت على أشياء مختلطة ثم عوز!

ليس عندما يتعلق الأمر بخطط التعويض.

لست متأكدا من كيفية الاقتباس من هذه المادة ولكن؛

تنشأ قضايا الاحتيال بونزي أيضا عند النظر في كيفية يتم الإعلان عن 3 إلى 15٪ "تستهدف" عائد الاستثمار في الشهر.

على الورق فإنه يزعم أنه من خلال النقد الاجنبى، ولكن إذا تم استثمار الأموال المستثمرة حديثا فقط لتسوية المستثمرين الحاليين، ثم كل ما نبحث هنا هو هرم بونزي الهجين.

أود أن افترض أنك لم تنظر في إدارة الأموال بم، والفكرة أنها ستكون بونزي هو مفهوم خاطئ إلى حد ما من الناس خارج الفوركس.

يرجى قراءة هذا ثم إعلامنا إذا كنت تريد المزيد من التوضيح.

يتم الاحتفاظ بأموال العملاء دائما تحت اسمهم في وسطاء مرخص لهم ويسمح لهم أن تعلق مع حساب رئيسي.

الأهداف & # 8220؛ تهدف & # 8221؛ (نحن نقدم أيضا متوسطات هندسية وهو ما يميل المستثمرون إلى النظر إليه ولكن الأشخاص الأقل خبرة لديهم صعوبة في فهم المتوسط ​​الهندسي) استنادا إلى النتائج السابقة.

نحن على وشك إطلاق شراكة وساطة جديدة مع وسيط تم تطهيره من إدارة صناديق التقاعد من قبل أسيك (سواء كنت تعتقد أن هذا أمر مشكوك فيه أم لا هو شخصي ولكن أسيك تعتبر على نطاق واسع واحدة من أصعب المنظمين للحصول على يمر من ويظهر وسيط مرت بعض العناية الواجبة).

وهنا بعض من حسابات التداول الحية حيث يمكنك أن ترى كل التجارة جعل & # 8211؛ يتم إعطاء كل إحصائية واحدة.

هذه هي النتائج المنشورة من طرف ثالث من التداول الحقيقي.

(إذا كنت لا تعرف ما ميفسبوك و فكس الأزرق، جوجل لهم)

وهذان الحسابان هما أن الاستراتيجية كانت قيد التنفيذ قبل تقديمها لإدارة الأموال.

وهنا إصدارات أكثر عدوانية تعمل على أموال المستثمرين (حتى الآن أكثر من ذلك & # 8217؛ محفظة كاملة 5SS وقد عاد حوالي 160٪ ويمكن رؤية كل التجارة التي تشكل هذا العائد هنا، وكذلك كل التجارة في المستقبل).

اسمحوا لي أن أعرف إذا مرة واحدة كنت قد بحثت هذه الأشياء كنت توافق أنه من المستحيل أن يكون هذا بونزي (منذ 5SS أبدا في أي لحظة يأخذ دولار واحد من أموال المستثمرين). بمجرد أن نضع الجميع يفهم النموذج المستخدم لإدارة الأموال في العملات الأجنبية، يمكننا بعد ذلك الانتقال إلى مناقشة الأعمال بشكل عام.

(يرجى ملاحظة أنه يمكن وضع علامة مرجعية على هذه الروابط حتى تتمكن من الاطلاع على النتائج كل بضعة أشهر & # 8211؛ وسيتم نشرها دائما بشكل عام):

الروابط المذكورة أعلاه تغطي جميع الأموال المستثمرة في بم 5SS التجزئة.

وهي تمثل كل دولار من الاستثمارات.

1. هل تقبل الأموال من المستثمرين الأمريكيين؟

2. هل أنت مسجل في المجلس الأعلى للتعليم؟

3. إذا لم يكن كذلك، لماذا لا؟

4. ماذا عن الهرم مخطط سلسلة التوظيف مكون من الأعمال؟

أيضا أنا وان & # 8217؛ ر مما يشير بم كان مخطط بونزي، كنت أقترح تستخدم الأموال المستثمرة حديثا لسداد المستثمرين الحاليين إلى لحن 15٪ روي عوائد كل شهر.

ويرجى تجنيبي & # 8220؛ نحن لا & # 8217؛ ر قبول الاستثمارات & # 8221؛ القمامة.

هل يمكنني الذهاب إلى موقع الوسيط لفتح حساب بم؟

لا. لتقديم طلب للحصول على حساب بم على 5 نجوم إشارات إدارة الأموال، تحتاج إلى استخدام الرابط المتاح لأعضائنا فقط.

5 إشارات النجوم هي توفير هذا الرابط، وبالتالي 5 نجوم إشارات هي التماس الاستثمار. حيث كنت خبأ المال غير ذي صلة.

1. هل تقبل الأموال من المستثمرين الأمريكيين؟

2. هل أنت مسجل في المجلس الأعلى للتعليم؟

3. إذا لم يكن كذلك، لماذا لا؟

4. ماذا عن الهرم مخطط سلسلة التوظيف مكون من الأعمال؟

1،2 3 وكلها مغطاة من قبلنا لا نقبل الاستثمار مباشرة من أي شخص.

وسيكون من غير القانوني أيضا أن يكون الصداع غير الضروري عندما يتعلق الأمر لدينا الحاجة إلى حماية الأموال.

ويتعين علينا إعداد حسابات مصرفية منفصلة منفصلة للاحتفاظ بأموال العملاء في مثل هذه الحسابات. جميع البنية التحتية موجودة بالفعل وتستخدم بم لإدارة المليارات في أسواق العملات الأجنبية.

4 & # 8211؛ كما أفهم نظام الهرم، ويرجى تصحيح لي إذا كنت مخطئا، أنا رجل الفوركس ليس الرجل الامتيازات، ينهار المخطط تحت وزنه منذ ما لم تجلب أشخاص جدد لم تكن قادرة على الحصول على أموال.

هذا ليس شرطا ل بم، يمكن للناس الانضمام والاستثمار وكسب المال، وأنها & # 8217؛ د جعلت 20-30٪ خلال الربع الأخير (يرجى الاطلاع على نتائج التداول التحقق منها لإثبات ذلك)

1،2 3 وكلها مغطاة من قبلنا لا نقبل الاستثمار مباشرة من أي شخص.

كما أفهم نظام الهرم.

ما تفهمه مخطط الهرم ليكون غير ذي صلة.

تدفع 5 شركات تابعة لفئة النجوم رسوما ثم تدفع لتجنيد آخرين ممن يقومون بذلك. هذا هو توظيف سلسلة ويؤهل كمخطط الهرم.

في هذا السياق المحدد، بم ليست هنا ولا هناك.

ونعم، يمكنك الذهاب فقط إلى موقع السماسرة وفتح بم مع واحدة من العديد من مديري بم جدا.

أن تكون مرتبطة مع التجار التي قدمناها كنت في حاجة الى عضوية معنا.

فتح بم من السهل على الرغم من، 1000s من الناس سوف تفعل ذلك كل يوم.

ونعم، يمكنك الذهاب فقط إلى موقع السماسرة وفتح بم.

لا إذا كنت ترغب في المشاركة في فرصة 5 نجوم الامتيازات الامتيازات.

تتطلب مشاركة الشركات التابعة الاستثمار من خلال الروابط التي توفرها إشارات 5 نجوم.

وبالتالي فإن 5 إشارات النجوم تلتمس الاستثمار من الشركات التابعة لها.

لذا سأتساءل مرة أخرى، هل تقبل الأموال الأمريكية؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، هل أنت مسجل لدى المجلس الأعلى للتعليم؟ إن لم يكن، لماذا لا؟

أنا كاندن & # 8217؛ ر الرعاية أقل عن بم بشكل عام، وهذا هو ضمن سياق معين من ما هو عرضت من خلال 5 إشارات النجوم & # 8217؛ الامتيازات التجارية فرصة.

أوز: ليس إذا كنت ترغب في المشاركة في فرصة 5 ملايين إشارات الامتيازات.

تتطلب مشاركة الشركات التابعة الاستثمار من خلال الروابط التي توفرها إشارات 5 نجوم.

وبالتالي فإن 5 إشارات النجوم تلتمس الاستثمار من الشركات التابعة لها.

هل يمكننا تحديد & # 8220؛ الاستثمار & # 8221؛ هنا،، من فضلك؟

شراء عضوية ليست استثمارا.

لا يتم دفع العائدات على العضوية.

هل يمكننا تحديد "الاستثمار" هنا من فضلك؟

5 نجوم إشارات تقديم عرض أنه إذا تم استثمار الأموال من خلال روي العائد الشهري للشركة تصل إلى 15٪ يتم الإعلان عنها.

لا بد لي من الاستثمار من خلال حساب تم إنشاؤها من خلال 5 إشارات ستار، إرجو الشركة التماس الاستثمارات على توقع من روي المعلن عنها.

هذا يشكل عرض الأوراق المالية، والتي في الولايات المتحدة يتطلب تسجيل المجلس الأعلى للتعليم.

رسوم 5 نجوم العلامات التابعة هي جزء من مخطط هرم التوظيف سلسلة، وقال أحد أنها استثمرت الأموال.

أوز: 5 إشارات النجوم تقديم عرض أنه إذا تم استثمار الأموال من خلال روي العائد الشهري للشركة تصل إلى 15٪ يتم الإعلان عنها.

لا بد لي من الاستثمار من خلال حساب تم إنشاؤها من خلال 5 إشارات ستار، إرجو الشركة التماس الاستثمارات على توقع من روي المعلن عنها.

هذا يشكل عرض الأوراق المالية، والتي في الولايات المتحدة يتطلب تسجيل المجلس الأعلى للتعليم.

رسوم 5 نجوم العلامات التابعة هي جزء من مخطط هرم التوظيف سلسلة، وقال أحد أنها استثمرت الأموال.

لا، يمكنك فتح حساب الوساطة الخاصة بك، التي تم إنشاؤها من خلال لك.

هو حسابك وعقد تحت اسمك.

ثم لديك خيار ربطه مع حسابنا الرئيسي لذلك يتم تخصيص الصفقات التي نقوم بها أيضا لحساب المستثمرين الخاص بك.

في أي وقت من الأوقات لا 5SS أي وقت مضى الحصول على أموال العملاء أو اتخاذ الاستثمار منها.

لا، يمكنك فتح حساب الوساطة الخاصة بك، التي تم إنشاؤها من خلال لك.

وفقا للإشارات 5 نجوم التعليمات:

هل يمكنني الذهاب إلى موقع الوسيط لفتح حساب بم؟

لا. لتقديم طلب للحصول على حساب بم على 5 نجوم إشارات إدارة الأموال، تحتاج إلى استخدام الرابط المتاح لأعضائنا فقط.

تطبيق مباشرة على موقع وسيط سوف تحصل على حساب بم التي لا يمكن أن تكون متصلا استراتيجية 5 نجوم.

إذا كنت ترغب في المشاركة في فرصة 5 نجوم إشارات الامتيازات، تحتاج إلى الذهاب من خلال 5 إشارات النجوم. وبالتالي 5 نجوم إشارات تلتمس الاستثمارات من الشركات التابعة لها.

يتم تقديم هذه العروض بناء على وعد من عائدات الاستثمار الشهرية المتوقعة، والتي تشكل عرض الأوراق المالية. حيث كنت خبأ المال غير ذي صلة، مع 5 نجوم إشارات بوضوح الحزب التماس الاستثمار.

ونظرا للرقص نحن & # 8217؛ القيام به، وأنا & # 8217؛ سوف فقط المضي قدما وندعو ذلك:

5 إشارات النجوم غير مسجلة لدى المجلس الأعلى للتعليم وبالتالي فهي تشارك في تقديم الأوراق المالية غير المسجلة.

على الجانب لديك أيضا سلسلة الهرم نظام التوظيف.

شكرا لك على وقتك.

سأترك شخصا آخر لمناقشة هذا لأننا سنذهب فقط في الدوائر.

كان هدفي الرئيسي هو تحديد بوضوح وبعيدا عن أي ظل من الشك أنه ليس مخطط بونزي وأن جميع نتائج التداول يمكن تتبعها والتحقق منها.

نقطة أخيرة تستحق القيام بها.

لقد نقلت عن العضوية ك؛

النحاس - 7 دولارات (غير الامتيازات)

هذا هو في الواقع.

النحاس - 7 دولارات (غير الامتيازات)

الفضة - 197 دولارا (غير الامتيازات)

الذهب - 497 $ (غير الامتيازات)

فقط عضوية البرونزية لديها أي فائدة للشركات التابعة لها. أما الأعضاء الآخرون فيبيعون منتجات وخدمات التجزئة الخالصة.

عندما نقتبس عوائدنا المحتملة نحن دائما نفعل ذلك جنبا إلى جنب مع الانسحاب التاريخي، حتى يعرف الناس ما يحصلون عليه.

وبما أنك لم تشر إلى المخاطر في التداول وأود أن أضيف ذلك.

على استراتيجيتنا الحالية ونحن نقدم مضاعفات التي تحتوي على الإحصاءات التالية.

عادي . 5.2٪ الحد الأقصى للسحب، مكسب 2 سنة من 97٪.

* 3 المضاعف. 25٪ الحد الأقصى للسحب، مكسب 2 سنة من 250٪.

* 5 المضاعف. 37٪ الحد الأقصى للسحب، مكاسب 2 سنة من 650٪.

* 7 المضاعف. 50٪ الحد الأقصى للسحب، وزيادة 2 سنة من 1،440٪

الفضة - 197 دولارا (غير الامتيازات)

الذهب - 497 $ (غير الامتيازات)

حتى أعضاء الفضة والذهب لا تكسب عمولات تحت أي ظرف من الظروف؟

I & # 8217؛ ليرة لبنانية تحديث الاستعراض إذا كان هذا هو الحال، ولكن أولا يمكن أن توضح لماذا خطة 5 نجوم إشارات التعويضات (فيما يتعلق المصفوفة كوميسونس):

اللجنة تجاوز دفع نفس بغض النظر إذا كنت البرونزية، الفضة أو الذهب!

للتأهل يجب أن تكون شريكا منتسبا على مستوى العضوية البرونزية أو أعلى.

هذا يبدو بالتأكيد مثل الفضية والذهب المنتسبين كسب اللجان بالنسبة لي.

عندما نقتبس عوائدنا المحتملة نحن دائما نفعل ذلك جنبا إلى جنب مع الانسحاب التاريخي، حتى يعرف الناس ما يحصلون عليه.

وحقيقة أن العوائد المحتملة يتم الإعلان عنها تشكل عرضا للأوراق المالية (عوائد الاستثمار سالبة، وجميع الشركات التابعة لها هي استثمار الأموال).

هذا واحد من المشاكل هنا، معتبرا 5 نجوم إشارات ليست مسجلة مع سيك (أو أي منظم الأوراق المالية الأخرى لهذه المسألة).

أوز: حتى أعضاء الفضة والذهب لا تكسب عمولات تحت أي ظرف من الظروف؟

سأقوم بتحديث المراجعة إذا كان هذا هو الحال، ولكن أولا يمكنك شرح لماذا خطة التعويضات 5 نجوم إشارات تنص (فيما يتعلق كوميسونس مصفوفة):

إذا كنت يمكن أن يرجى تحديث الاستعراض لإضافة مخاطر السحب والروابط إلى نتائج استراتيجيات التداول التحقق منها واستبدال هذا للإشارات من بونزي أو تداول الفوركس المزعوم من شأنها أن تجعل الأمور أفضل.

إشارة إلى مخططات بونزي عندما نوفر التحقق ميفسبوك الروابط أماكن مختلفة يقوض رأيك لتكون زميله صادق.

If you could kindly update the review to add the drawdown risks and the links to the verified trading strategies results and substitute this for references of ponzi or purportedly forex trading that would make things better.

Alluding to ponzi schemes when we provide verified Myfxbook links various places undermines your review to be honest mate.

I believe I raised legitimate concerns.

Who’s to say these 15% a month ROI traders aren’t shuffling newly invested funds to pay off existing investors? You yourself certainly cannot guarantee as much. Neither can 5 Star Signals from the sound of things.

And so what, you were lying about Silver and Gold affiliates not earning commissions?

Between that and the pyramid scheme, there’s not an awful lot to be confident about here.

Oz : I believe I raised legitimate concerns.

Who’s to say these 15% a month ROI traders aren’t shuffling newly invested funds to pay off existing investors. You yourself certainly cannot guarantee as much. Neither can 5 Star Signals from the sound of things.

I agree your concerns are completely legitimate and something I discuss with people often.

Since then though, I have provided a link to the model of PAMM and links to verified third party trading results all from authority sites 5SS has nothing to do with.

Simple due diligence from here proves it absolutely impossible for us to shuffle clients funds about – we can never access a single dollar.

It is always held under the client’s name.

5SS never takes clients investment funds.

Please look into this model so we can clear up this misunderstanding and move on to other points.

Whether or not this is a ponzi is nonobjective.

Since then though, I have provided a link to the model of PAMM and links to verified third party trading results all from authority sites 5SS has nothing to do with.

You and 5 Star Signals might be willing to stake your credibility on third-party claims, I’m not.

If 5 Star Signals personally verified the alleged trades themselves, or better yet conducted them – I’d be willing to hold the company at its word.

Third parties though that have nothing to do with the MLM opportunity? Not a chance.

Whether or not this is a ponzi is nonobjective.

You’re the only one who keeps bringing it up.

I’ve identified unregistered securities and pyramid scheme concerns, both of which remain unaddressed.

So all I am asking is that you update the review to be accurate.

Saying 5SS use a PAMM model and here are the links to the verified results.

So all I am asking is that you update the review to be accurate.

Saying 5SS use a PAMM model and here are the links to the verified results.

The review is accurate. PAMM results can be fudged, and I’m not about to claim otherwise given you yourself nor 5 Star Signals can verify this is not happening.

This is one of the downfalls of relying on third-parties within an MLM opportunity. And when 15% a month ROIs are being touted – to ignore potential Ponzi issues, or not even acknowledge them is irresponsible.

Are any of these third-party brokers registered with the SEC? (min 12 months)

Oz, please look up Myfxbook and see what it is mate.

I understand you’re used to dealing with shams and may not understand the steps taken by Myfxbook to verify a trading account, nor will you be aware of how widely used they are, a household name or sorts between people in the industry.

You are asking 5SS to verify the results themselves, this is precisely what Myfxbook does, it provides the results in a form that can not be manipulated.

See here – myfxbook/help#help_34.

I’m not interested in Myfxbook (another 3rd party).

5 Star Signals cannot guarantee the third parties they deal with are not using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, to the tune of advertised 15% ROIs each month.

Are any of the third-party brokers 5 Star Signals use registered with the SEC? (min 12 months)

(Ozedit: Stop link dumping. Third parties verifying third-parties isn’t convincing anybody.

And I take it nobody is registered with the SEC.

Bloody hell within the context of an MLM opportunity, what a compliance nightmare this all is.)

To put the third-party verification issue in context. You’ve got investments dumped onto a third party, who claim to be legit, with the only evidence as such being yet another third party. Who claim so based on information provided to them by the first bunch of third-partys.

And of course despite securities offerings being made left, right and center – nobody is registered with the SEC.

But uh yeah, absolutely no chance of 15% a month ROI Ponzi shenanigans going on here. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

And did I mention there’s pyramid scheme chain-recruitment going on too? Nothing suss!

oz: Affiliate membership with 5 Star Signals is $10 plus one of the following:

Copper – $7 (non-MLM)

these ^^ are monthly payments.

so, 5 star signals is nothing but a pyramid scheme selling memberships, with some unrelated third party product.

this is no different from all those ‘travel MLMs’ and ‘binary options trading MLMs’ that sell memberships and/or ‘education’ tagged to a third party product.

affiliates in 5 star signals can keep paying in their ‘personal qualifying’ autoship every month, and keep getting commissions in a chain recruitment system. the forex trading may not exist for all they care!

it strange that the CEO Langenberg has mentioned ‘vemma’ in her ebook about MLM compliance, because she is employing the same self qualifying autoship system as vemma and Then proposing that 5SS is ‘compliant’.

and hello craig, what retail? where is the retail margin for retail?

also, on FB, langenberg is promoting 5SS as an MLM opportunity so it is obvious that that the lower three membership levels are all MLM.

either craig is bullshitting or doesn’t understand the MLM side of the business.

i dont know much about forex trading but is it possible for any trading opportunity to be able to promise 15% ROI’s per month? if trading was so risk free and could promise such high returns, the whole world would be doing it right? something stinks here.

(Ozedit: Stop link dumping. Third parties verifying third-parties isn’t convincing anybody.

The “link dumps” where to a investopedia, would you prefer wikipedia?

Anyone who Googled “MYfxbook” is convinced.

And to clarify, I, along with many other investors watch the trades in real time. Wins and losses.

To put the third-party verification issue in context. You’ve got investments dumped onto a third party, who claim to be legit, with the only evidence as such being yet another third party. Who claim so based on information provided to them by the first bunch of third-partys.

And of course despite securities offerings being made left, right and center – nobody is registered with the SEC.

But uh yeah, absolutely no chance of 15% a month ROI Ponzi shenanigans going on here. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

And did I mention there’s pyramid scheme chain-recruitment going on too? Nothing suss!

I am starting to wonder if you are looking to do a factual and objective review here.

I have always been a fan of your work but it concerns me that you are still talking very bullishly about the chances of it being a ponzi.

The segregation of funds makes this impossible.

I’d like to also point out the numbers you quote are averages over a couple years.

The “15% a month” ranges from -20% on the worst month to +67% on the best month.

Anything close to a steady flow of results like 15% is unlikely in the extreme.

It is a geometric average.

Blah blah blah, unregistered securities offerings, 15% advertised monthly ROIs offered by third parties, CEO of the company making guaranteed income claims on Facebook and pyramid scheme issues.

Did I miss anything?

I have always been a fan of your work but it concerns me that you are still talking very bullishly about the chances of it being a ponzi.

Yeah, everybody is a fan of BehindMLM until we review your opportunity.

I’m not saying for sure 5 Star Signals’ brokers are engaging in Ponzi fraud, never did.

Just to keep the possibility in mind as the company relies on third-party verification. 5 Star Signals themselves do not trade, they only solicit investments into third-party brokers – none of which appear to be registered with the SEC (nor are 5 Star Signals themselves).

And there’s a blatant pyramid scheme backend nobody seems willing to address…

Some results from the low risk strategy, for illustration.

The average here is 2.6% a month but it is based on an average over wins and losses.

Real win and losses.

This PAMM thing started off as a simple prejudice based on too much time looking at Ponzis.

It is something that is common.

To still be alluding to that possibility now is just choosing to not do due diligence on what you report on.

As per the 5 Star Signals website:

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for approx. 3% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $500.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 9-10% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 15% gains on average per month.

There’s nothing about 2.6% a month or “average wins and losses”.

This PAMM thing started off.

because you mentioned it, and continue to use it to divert attention away from 5 Star Signals unregistered securities and pyramid scheme compliance issues.

“PAMM” was not mentioned once in the review.

Craig : The “15% a month” ranges from -20% on the worst month to +67% on the best month.

so, losses over say three months, could wipe out most of the capital invested by an investor affiliate in PAMM, which means they will have to reinvest ‘more funds’ to hopefully earn 15% average over two years or so.

this^^ is how people lose money in trading, they do not have extra funds to reinvest in the hope for future gains. they drop out with their losses.

these ^^ are monthly payments.

The review didn’t say anything about monthly payments?

Real win and losses.

it does not matter whether the trades are real or not. these trades are not performed by 5SS.

take a deep breath craig, and address the ‘pyramid’ القضية.

M Norway : The review didn’t say anything about monthly payments?

the 5SS website mentions ‘monthly payments’:

The compensation plan does mention “passive monthly residual income”, I missed it. Review updated.

anjali : so, losses over say three months, could wipe out most of the capital invested by an investor affiliate in PAMM, which means they will have to reinvest ‘more funds’ to hopefully earn 15% average over two years or so.

this^^ is how people lose money in trading, they do not have extra funds to reinvest in the hope for future gains. they drop out with their losses.

Anjali, thank you. We are now talking about relative points.

You are also absolutely correct.

Most people lose money if the drawdowns are too high and if the accounts don’t get back to high water mark.

On our highest risk strategy the maximum loss we have seen so far is 50% and it is now at record highs.

We capped it at 50% since after that you start to get into losers arithmetic where 100% is needed just to get back to level.

The average given is geometric so it accounts for the losses as well.

I don’t want Oz to think I am link dumping again but to learn about geometric averaging against arithmetic averaging just google both words along with “investopedia”.

If I was to do it by arithmetic averaging (which would become misleading since it does not account for a 50% DD) the average would be about 68% a month. (1,440% gain divided by 21 months of trading)

5 Star is a membership scheme where you pay a monthly fee to get access to their trading strategies, Pammm accs and education. That’s their product If you choose to refer it then you you get paid on the people you bring in who buy the memberships too.

The money you put in for trading is in segregated brokers funds. You can withdraw the capital and profits at anytime. Why is this a pyramid or ponzi?

anjali : it does not matter whether the trades are real or not. these trades are not performed by 5SS.

take a deep breath craig, and address the ‘pyramid’ issue.

As soon as can all agree that there are real trades being made, investors money is held under their name and there is no way we can manipulate the funds in a Ponzi like fashion we can discuss other things.

Surely, whether or not there is a profitable trading strategy at the base of everything is the first thing to address.

Referring back again to the “losses over 3 months” part, because this is really a great point.

A metric we use to track results is the maximum historic drawdown (hereon referred to as “DD”) vrs the average monthly gain.

This gives us an expectation based on averages how long it will take to recover from a maximum drawdown.

Technical terms used for this is calculating risk of ruin.

You can see the risk of ruin stats on our *3 strategy here.

If you choose to refer it then you you get paid on the people you bring in who buy the memberships too.

Affiliates paying a fee and getting paid to recruit affiliates = pyramid scheme.

Whatever is attached to said fee is irrelevant when affiliates are required to pay said fee to qualify for commissions.

It’s chain-recruitment any way you look at it, and in MLM that’s a pyramid scheme.

Craig : As soon as can all agree that there are real trades being made, investors money is held under their name and there is no way we can manipulate the funds in a Ponzi like fashion we can discuss other things.

it is not imperative to have ‘agreement’.

it is enough that everyone has placed their viewpoint on record.

now move along and address the ‘pyramid’ part.

Craig : Surely, whether or not there is a profitable trading strategy at the base of everything is the first thing to address.

if 5SS is providing the ‘profitable trading strategy’ then investors are putting funds in PAMM on your ‘expertise’. 5SS is thus responsible for the returns investors make, whether or not the money is directly invested with 5SS.

this in turn, means 5SS needs to be registered with the SEC in the US or their equivalent in other countries.

anjali : it is not imperative to have ‘agreement’.

it is enough that everyone has placed their viewpoint on record.

now move along and address the ‘pyramid’ part.

I disagree with you here.

The model used has a significant effect on the conflict or alignment of interests and thus should be clarified.

If 5SS was indeed just sweet talking Peter to pay Paul then there would cynical foreplanning to rip people off at some point.

If it is based on real trading results (strategies 5SS also has its own money in) then all interests are aligned with it being in 5SS’s best self interest to have stability and longevity in its offerings.

Which one of these is the case determines if the tone used in this article is correct.

This article has set up Mariska as a baddie due to her previous businesses and goes on to say “With 5 Star Signals the culture of victim-blaming fraud will likely continue.”

Under the PAMM model where funds security and transparency of trading results is very much in the forefront it tells a tale of Mariska learning from mistakes she made and looking to bring a viable alternative based on real results.

Very fundamental thing to clear up to make sure at the very least, the review is factual.

Can we define “investment” here please?

Buying a membership is not an investment.

The returns are not paid on memberships.

Investment = When you pay money to a third party, and your primary motive is that you expect to get your money back plus a profit after some time or event. “Expected profits on capital based on the efforts of others” , just to make it simple.

A pyramid scheme will require payment for the eligibility to earn commissions, rewards or bonuses that derive primarily from introduction of other participants — from THEIR payments rather than from external sources.

It doesn’t mean that the rewards will need to be directly tied to the act of recruiting other people into the scheme. It doesn’t mean that everyone will need to pay either, or that “free re-entries into the matrix” are excluded.

Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes. They will require misrepresentation of the profit source. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s about promises of future profits, about “phantom profits” or about actual profits paid to SOME investors.

It means that the Ponzi scheme won’t really need to “steal from Peter to pay Paul” , even if that method is a very common one.

Craig : If 5SS was indeed just sweet talking Peter to pay Paul then there would cynical foreplanning to rip people off at some point.

the pyramid recruitment side of 5SS is doing just that, it is sweet talking Peter to pay Paul, so the ‘rip off’ element is very much present even if you expect us to ignore the probability of 5SS being a ‘ponzi’.

who are your brokers and are they registered with the SEC? as 5SS has been around for an year what is the average ROI earned by investors? what proof can you offer for this?

you cannot expect everyone to take your ‘word’ on unproved statistics. so, you shall have to accept that the ponzi ‘probability’ is a real concern of reviewers, and only time will prove which is what.

however, the pyramid recruitment scam is obvious from the compensation plan itself, and we can have some ‘finality’ about the ‘pyramid issue’ without reliance on third party trading stats.

so, how about addressing the pyramid issue?

I think This discussion makes very clear now that the average ROI’s like 3-15% per month 5SS aims at, are purely possible result from the personal trading accounts of members and can in not be a ponzi, just like trading in the stock market with personal accounts that retail customers have can not.

Oz, I think your pain is in the part that when a bronze member recruits another member, a commission of 12% of the membership fee is payed monthly, in the case of a recruited copper member (who is not an MLM affiliate but only a retail customer that wants to open an account to be able to connect to the strategies of 5SS) around 70 cents.

I always learned mlms are only defined as ponzi or pyramid if most of the cash flow results out of the recruitment part, so the initial money or monthly money members pay and is given to other members.

But if members “recruit” far more customers than affiliates, because the product itself is a very wanted value added thing in the market, without the mlm part also very interesting, it is legal. صحح لي إن كنت مخطئ.

M Norway : Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes. They will require misrepresentation of the profit source. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s about promises of future profits, about “phantom profits” or about actual profits paid to SOME investors.

“promises of future profits”

Please visit 5starsignals/risk-disclaimer for full infomation.

are fraudulent investment schemes. They will require misrepresentation of the profit source.

بالضبط. All I am trying to do is have some very basic due diligence done to verify that the chances of us being able to do this when we present results via Myfxbook is extremely slim.

Given that investors can watch their trades in real time and have their funds stored under their own name and never accessible for anything other than placing trades renders this impossible.

Oz : As per the 5 Star Signals website:

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for approx. 3% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $500.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 9-10% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 15% gains on average per month.

with the monthly payments of 27$/197$/497$, investors will have to make much larger investments than a 1000$ to be profitable.

for instance an investment of 3000$ at an average return of 15% pm, will not even fully cover the monthly autoship of 497$.

to make any meaningful returns, investors will have to invest much more than 3000$ and live with the risk of consecutive monthly losses.

but, recruitment commissions will be a ‘no loss’ method of earning money in 5SS.

so, would i choose to take the 497$ package and recruit like hell, or would i invest upwards of 6000$ and hope to make money from forex trading over a period of 2 years?

Because, one thing I am very sure we can all agree on, to manipulate clients funds in a Ponzi fashion requires access in some degree to the funds.

Under a PAMM model both Peter and Paul are sitting with their hands firmly in their pockets and no one is getting robbed.

There may be profits, there may be losses but there is never misrepresentation of such.

I have the same question Oz asked you in post #27.

Are any of the third-party brokers 5 Star Signals use registered with the SEC? (min 12 months)

Are any of them registered with the SEC or any other relevant authority (e. g. FINRA)?

Most of your other arguments will make very little sense if 5SS use an unlicensed broker. If the broker can’t legally operate in the market, neither can 5SS. “Segregated accounts” won’t change that.

In any event segregated accounts protect clients funds.

If 5SS, any brokerage partners or any of the trading team was to go out of business clients funds would still be held securely and never be used for anything other than trading.

Until we clear up that is is beyond any reasonable doubt that this is legitimate trading results there is no point discussing anything else.

All I’d like is a factual review.

I just asked a group of 11,000 traders if what we do is remotely possible to be a Ponzi by the way, I will get back to you with the results of that.

Is there a specific reason you do not want me to reference how segregated bank accounts ensure the safety of clients funds regardless if 5SS, broker, trading or all three simultaneously went out of business?

The only reason will be if the information is meaningless without some other information.

I can post a link to Wikipedia for you …

Segregated account is a bank account in which a customer’s funds are held separate from the funds of a brokerage firm.

This is done to create a clear separation between the two groups of money so client funds are not used for the wrong purpose, it also helps ensure that the money can be easily identified as belonging to customers in case a firm becomes bankrupt.

In many jurisdictions segregated accounts cannot be used to pay creditors during a liquidation and must be returned to the customers directly.

In most countries brokerage firms must maintain a segregated account to make sure that the clients money and the firm’s money is not intermingled and clients funds are not used for operational purposes.

Historically, unscrupulous stock brokers have used clients funds for their own use, which often results in the failure of the brokerage with the loss of client funds.

Holding a segregated account is some measure to protect against such unscrupulous and fraudulent behaviour, however the effectiveness is limited as segregated accounts are often controlled by the brokerage firms senior management who when under pressure may be tempted to dip into such segregated funds.

So segregated accounts clearly have some limitations.

That’s why we have asked about whether those brokers are registered with and licensed by relevant financial authorities, e. g. SEC or FINRA (or European versions).

You have indirectly brought up that question yourself in post #6.

We are just about to launch a new brokerage partnership with a broker that has been cleared from the management of Superannuation funds by ASIC.

We can clearly accept ASIC Australian Securities and Investment Commission .

It’s more difficult to accept “about to launch a new brokerage partnership” . You should normally have told about existing brokers rather than about vague plans.

Thank you for paying attention to 5 Star Signals Oz, it is appreciated.

I will not repeat what has already been extensively pointed out, that a PAMM model through licensed brokers is impossible for anyone to manipulate.

(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed, BehindMLM is not an MLM forex opportunity.)

It only is possible to trade with these funds. Traders cannot withdraw any funds, only the account holder can, which is the member.

As for my past, it didn’t require a lot of research as I’ve always been very open about that. Unfortunately your article didn’t mention my reasons for leaving them.

I still have the email (in German) to the CEO’s of Bonofa explaining them exactly why I wouldn’t connect my name any longer to their company.

If you would have researched a little further you would have found that on a regular basis I point out to my Facebook friends why certain (often hyping) opportunities cannot be legit nor sustainable.

I tell them not to blindly believe what marketers are claiming about Forex or investment opportunities. Marketers know marketing and most of the times do not understand Forex and related risks.

وبسبب كل الدروس المستفادة التي بدأت 5 نجوم إشارات، ليكون بديلا حقيقيا للناس.

You also seem to assume that any member joining us automatically joins the earning model through our compensation plan. هذا هو مفهوم خاطئ.

About half of the people who are joining do not join the partner program, which requires a separate registration.

What you call a required auto ship to ‘earn’ is a membership in which way more value is given than paid for. No forex knowledge is required to start a PAMM account, however we think and recommend everyone to acquire at least basic understanding of Forex trading in order to understand the trades on their accounts.

The bronze membership gives access to this part of our education, including weekly analyses on currency pairs. We have traders who opened a PAMM and are quite pleased with the educational part while they know their money is working for them.

If you do want to introduce others to 5 Star Signals, having a basic understanding does help, wouldn’t you agree?

No one is paid commissions on the one time only affiliate fees of $10, that would be illegal.

The memberships give value AND access to the PAMM strategies we enable our members to participate in. Memberships thus can be seen as self-consumption, which is fully legitimate.

You may not be aware, but even our information calls don’t go into the partner program, only talk about the product/service/education side of our business. Feel free to join one, we have them every Monday night.

It also seems you have completely missed our compliance page on the website, which would have answered quite a few of your questions or might have given you some understanding how the business is generating revenues.

The biggest revenue stream is paid to us by the broker, not by the members.

It is revenue the broker is generating on all trading accounts, PAMM accounts and individual accounts. We have simply negotiated to get a part of THEIR revenues, which we happily share with our partners.

Every day the broker is sending the member an overview of all transactions on their account, wins and losses, all transparent.

Now, we only operate through licensed broker partners. If asked by authorities we can also show the accounts are traded by fully licensed traders.

Stating it all is third party and thus cannot be trusted is a little uneducated statement Oz.

We don’t collect names, we don’t open accounts in the names of our members, we don’t take their investment funds, we are not forcing them to start a PAMM, we almost force them to understand all risks involved in order for them to make an educated decision on what risk level (and the historical aimed games ON AVERAGE) would best suit them.

If we would collect their names, or would take their investment money, or we would open the account for them, then we would need registration with authorities. We do none of that all.

They have full access to their funds, their money is not stuck.

If you’d wanna see the inside of the membership area, drop me a message. We’ll do a Skype and I’ll be happy to screen share with you and give you the grand tour, also through all education, so you can see for yourself it’s not third party education, it is our very own.

Back to our comp plan. I’d like to take the opportunity to emphasize we don’t pay out most on personal referrals, but on the 2nd level of the matrix. This is to encourage people to work with partners they have personally signed up to ensure they will have proper support in talking with their own contacts.

We have chosen for the 10×10 matrix to enforce spillover, which will help less experienced people to benefit from the activities of people who joined before them.

In our video about the partner program we tell people exactly why we have chosen this shape. With full research (and a little less assumptions, though understandable) you wouldn’t have asked why the 10×10 has been chosen.

The fact that it can never be filled doesn’t make it unrealistic.

Since you keep repeating yourself all through this thread, let’s get back on the registration with SEC.

Did you know there is a world outside of the US? Sure, there is Norway, and Ireland…and the Netherlands too (sorry, couldn’t resist).

5 Star Signals is giving people investment advice, but is not registered with any securities exchange.

This is one area where the reviewer clearly demonstrates that he has not studied 5SS in any depth. Anyone who does so will realize that 5 Star Signals’ entire business model is carefully built around three absolutely critical pillars of Compliance:

a) At no time does 5 Star Signals invest ANY money on behalf of its members! 100% of member investing is done between members and their brokers. 5 Star Signals simply provides access to these brokers, who ARE licensed to trade and give investment advice.

b) 5 Star Signals does not give any investment advice and trains all of its partners to follow that same prohibition. 5SS provides access to educational resources that allow people to study and make up their own minds about what is appropriate for them.

c) Similarly, 5 Star Signals does not make any income claims or guarantees, regarding participation either in our Partner program (networking) OR in investments. The reviewer’s reference to the Aug. 27 Facebook post is misleading.

I have said that 100% of members CAN make money with this program. Not “WILL.” That is an important distinction.

What I’ve meant is that, unlike many companies, 5SS has set up a simple, realistic system that lets members make money promoting Forex products (NOT promoting the investments themselves; let’s be clear!) , no matter where they may fall in the matrix. So the word “can” reflects that realistic possibility.

NOT a CERTAINTY—no such guarantee is ever mentioned.

Compliance training for all our partners is mandatory, as we do take that very seriously. As a matter of fact, we had a training call on that topic just last night.

(Ozedit: attempt to take discussion offsite removed)

A final word: it might be good to understand the difference between binary broker platforms and solid forex brokers. It’s a world of difference between the two types.

How many of you people would trust a known drug dealer who tells you their new batch isn’t illegal?

Ok, now read this again:

“Further research reveals van de Langenberg (right) was an affiliate of Global One and Bonofa in 2018.

Global One initially launched in 2018 as Ultimate Power Profits and sought to capitalize on the Zeek Rewards penny auction Ponzi craze at the time.

Following the SEC bust of Zeek Rewards in August 2018, Global One abandoned plans to launch their penny auction Ponzi.

The company limped along as a straight recruitment opportunity for another year or so, before collapsing entirely in mid 2018.

van de Langenberg stuck with the company till she left it for Bonofa in May 2018.

Bonofa affiliates pay a fee to join and then earn commissions by recruiting other affiliates who do the same.

The company also ran an unregistered securities points scheme, which was purportedly attached to an IPO offering.

Going by their Alexa statistics, Bonofa appears to have collapsed late last year.

Van de Langenberg appears to have gotten out as Bonofa went into decline, with 5 Star Signals launching in mid 2018.”


I always learned mlms are only defined as ponzi or pyramid if most of the cash flow results out of the recruitment part.

If the majority of Bronze+ members are affiliates (and it’s obvious they are, nobody has yet talked about retail sales and the comp plan requires affiliates to purchase Bronze+ membership to qualify for commissions), then separating the affiliate fee from Bronze+ membership is pseudo-compliance.

anjali : with the monthly payments of 27$/197$/497$, investors will have to make much larger investments than a 1000$ to be profitable.

for instance an investment of 3000$at an average return of 15% pm, will not even fully cover the monthly autoship of 497$.

to make any meaningful returns, investors will have to invest much more than 3000$ and live with the risk of consecutive monthly losses.

but, recruitment commissions will be a ‘no loss’ method of earning money in 5SS.

so, would i choose to take the 497$ package and recruit like hell, or would i invest upwards of 6000$ and hope to make money from forex trading over a period of 2 years?

Thank you for again making a terrific point.

To invest the only membership required is $7 a month or $70 for the year.

Profitable (based on historic results) on $500.

Your point about costs outweighing profits was something we addressed recently when it was non viable with our current investors memberships to make a profit on our lowest investment account size (on low risk).

We then slashed the price of this membership 75% to make it viable.

To clarify one more time, $197 and $497 levels are training products where we teach people how to trade themselves.

This is a retail product with no additional benefits at this membership level for affiliates.

Maximum cost for an investor only membership is $84 a year.

Under 20% on $500.

Hope that clears that up.

“promises of future profits”

As per the 5 Star Signals website:

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for approx. 3% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $500.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 9-10% gains on average per month.

Minimum Deposit of $1,000.

Additional deposits possible.

Aiming for 15% gains on average per month.

That’s clearly the solicitation of investment on the promise of future profits.

Good morning Oz, could you please explain why you have not published my comments regarding funds security in seg accounts or the post of people who are involved in the Forex markets unanimously agreeing that it is impossible (not improbable, impossible) for a Ponzi model to be run.

These seem to be points you should address to maintain the credibility of your claims here.

Or, just admit it is real trading results and correct the post.

“Segregated accounts” and “forex PAMM accounts” have probably been explained clearly enough. I quoted almost the whole Wikipedia article for “segregated account” in a post.

What people have asked questions about is the brokers. Are they registered and licensed by relevant authorities?

“Relevant authorities” seems to be …

* ASIC in Australia.

* FINRA in the U. S. (delegated authority, supervised by SEC)

* etc., I will only list a few examples.


The Trading and Markets division oversees self-regulatory organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) and all broker-dealer firms and investment houses.

This division also interprets proposed changes to regulations and monitors operations of the industry. In practice, the SEC delegates most of its enforcement and rulemaking authority to FINRA. In fact, all trading firms not regulated by other SROs must register as a member of FINRA.

Individuals trading securities must pass exams administered by FINRA to become registered representatives.

Craig : At the bottom of every page on the site there are links to this (legal requirement)

It should also be understood that hypothetical performance results may be posted on the website or given to third parties by other methods.

هذه النتائج الافتراضية للأداء لها حدود متأصلة في أنها قد تم إعدادها باستخدام الأداء السابق والأداء السابق ليس ضمانا للنتائج المستقبلية. الأداء يمكن ولا تختلف بين الأفراد.

Government regulations require disclosure of the fact that while our methods may have worked in the past, past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. While there is a potential for profits there is also a risk of loss.

A loss incurred in connection with trading the forex market can be significant. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition since all speculative trading is inherently risky and should only be undertaken by individuals with adequate risk capital.

ولا يمكن ضمان أن أي نجاحات سابقة أو نتائج سابقة فيما يتعلق بأرباح الدخل يمكن أن تستخدم كمؤشر لنجاحك أو نتائجك في المستقبل.

See full: 5starsignals/risk-disclaimer.

Furthermore, we provide a month by month breakdown of the results.

As I explain various times, it is a geometric average (stand industry use).

“Segregated accounts” and “forex PAMM accounts” have probably been explained clearly enough. I quoted almost the whole Wikipedia article for “segregated account” in a post.

What people have asked questions about is the brokers. Are they registered and licensed by relevant authorities?

“Relevant authorities” seems to be …

* ASIC in Australia.

* FINRA in the U. S. (delegated authority, supervised by SEC)

* etc., I will only list a few examples.


We can deal with this once the post has been corrected to be accurate.

I did already reference that one of the brokers we use is used to manage Superannuation funds (ASIC approved for pension funds)

Oz : Yeah, everybody is a fan of BehindMLM until we review your opportunity.

seems you hit another home run since scammers need to run to defend it fast and furious.

Hi Mariska, thanks for stopping by.

As for my past, it didn’t require a lot of research as I’ve always been very open about that. Unfortunately your article didn’t mention my reasons for leaving them.

It’s easy to leave a scam once you’ve made your money. Why on Earth did join multiple shady business opportunities in the first place?

About half of the people who are joining do not join the partner program, which requires a separate registration.

How many non-affiliates are paying $197 or $497 a month? What is the ratio of Silver and Gold affiliate memberships in terms of membership revenue entering the company each month?

You can have a 50/50 split in memberships but if affiliate revenue (by way of Silver and Gold memberships) dwarfs that of non-affiliates, you have a problem.

We don’t collect names, we don’t open accounts in the names of our members, we don’t take their investment funds, we are not forcing them to start a PAMM, we almost force them to understand all risks involved in order for them to make an educated decision on what risk level (and the historical aimed games ON AVERAGE) would best suit them.

You solicit $500-$1000 investments from your members by advertising up to 15% ROIs on your website.

If we would collect their names, or would take their investment money, or we would open the account for them, then we would need registration with authorities. We do none of that all.

let’s get back on the registration with SEC.

Did you know there is a world outside of the US? Sure, there is Norway, and Ireland…and the Netherlands too (sorry, couldn’t resist).

So that’s a no on regulatory registration. And in particular you’re soliciting US invested funds with an offer of securities, and are not registered with the SEC.

I figured as much when Craig danced around the issue ad infinitum.

I have said that 100% of members CAN make money with this program. Not “WILL.” That is an important distinction.

No, it isn’t. It’s called pseudo-compliance and still constitutes an income guarantee.

Sadly it appears that while you might have left some scams over the years, you’ve retained the marketing tactics typically used to promote them.

Income disclaimers mean nothing when you are soliciting investments on the promise of up to 15% ROIs each month.

Having a disclaimer (of any kind) doesn’t negate the solicitation of investment on the promise of “aimed” ROIs.

Income disclaimers mean nothing when you are soliciting investments on the promise of up to 15% ROIs each month.

Having a disclaimer (of any kind) doesn’t negate the solicitation of investment on the promise of “aimed” ROIs.

You imagine promises and ignore real trading results haha.

You are making this look silly now mate.

Just making up new things and ignoring clear facts.

could you please explain why you have not published my comments regarding funds security in seg accounts or the post of people who are involved in the Forex markets unanimously agreeing that it is impossible (not improbable, impossible) for a Ponzi model to be run.

You cannot verify what third parties are doing.

Trades might be made but if a broker is running Ponzi on the backend with the majority of funds invested, a trade log on yet another third-party website isn’t going to disclose that.

Furthermore with none of this registered with the SEC, within the context of MLM and investments this is a huge compliance red flag that should not be ignored .

You imagine promises and ignore real trading results haha.

You are making this look silly now mate.

Just making up new things and ignoring clear facts.

The only facts relevant here are that 5 Star Signals are soliciting investments from affiliates based on advertised future money predictions of up to 15% a month ROIs.

That’s an investment promise and a securities offering, and 5 Star Signals nor any of their brokers are registered with the SEC.

By all means conduct this PAMM stuff outside of MLM.

But if you’ve paired it with an MLM business opportunity – mate crapping on about PAMM and Investopedia doesn’t matter.

MLM has it’s own set of regulations and, just as you claim I have no idea about PAMM (which is fair enough), you appear to have little appreciation of MLM regulatory requirements.

Seeing as this isn’t a review about PAMM, but rather an MLM business opportunity, readers can make up their own mind as to who is actually relevant here.

Continued offtopic derail attempts will be marked as spam. Stay on topic discussing the 5 Star Signals MLM business opportunity.

Nobody cares what you and your forex buddies think on some random forex site. Leave that shit over there, we’re discussing the MLM opportunity here.

Oz : The only facts relevant here are that 5 Star Signals are soliciting investments from affiliates based on advertised future money predictions of up to 15% a month ROIs.

That’s an investment promise and a securities offering, and 5 Star Signals nor any of their brokers are registered with the SEC.

Giving the average historical monthly results and also giving the risk on that risk level.

Stop making stuff up mate. You are clearly choosing the words to put in peoples mouths here with “promises” and such.

We make it explicitly clear nothing is assured.

There can be wins and losses.

(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)

If we begin to talk about the real business model and the post is made accurate I can then address your other points.

If you are just going to continue with “Screw your facts, I have an opinion” then I will discontinue this conversation.

More than enough evidence has been provided to make an accurate assessment and do due diligence.

Aiming for approx. 3% gains on average per month.

Aiming for 9-10% gains on average per month.

Aiming for 15% gains on average per month.

Those are totally monthly ROI predictions, cut the crap.

We make it explicitly clear nothing is assured.

In MLM you cannot run around making ROI claims and wipe it away with a disclaimer. This isn’t the world of shady unregistered forex brokers, this is MLM because 5 Star Signals is an MLM business opportunity.

Bloody hell, it’s not hard to get your head around…

Like I said, neither you nor 5 Star Signals can guarantee third-party brokers are not running a Ponzi scheme backend while they post a trade log on yet another third-party website.

You might be comfortable swallowing what is claimed, but that’s a weak position to take on due-diligence.

Remember, this is all unregulated by design. Why doesn’t 5 Star Signals engage brokers who are registered with the SEC?

That is all I have pointed out. You insist this is not possible, which I assert is an extremely naive position to take.

Rather what you’ve read is “ZOMG, BEHINDMLM SAID WE ARE A PONZI SCHEME!” , which was never stated.

I don’t pull the Ponzi trigger unless I’m sure of it. It was simply raised here as a possibility.

Which I maintain is perfect reasonable, given the level of third-party reliance 5 Star Signals have and that neither 5 Star Signals nor the third-party brokers involved appear to be registered with the SEC.

Like I said, neither you nor 5 Star Signals can guarantee third-party brokers are not running a Ponzi scheme backend while they post a trade log on yet another third-party website.

Please provide one shred of proof for your theory.

I presented Myfxbook verified via investor login password and real results.

ماذا لديك؟

Proof Oz, not stabs in the dark opinions.

Otherwise you are just here spouting about something you are showing everyone know understands what we are doing you have no idea what you are talking about.

(Ozedit: Offtopic forex waffle removed)

I presented Myfxbook verified via investor login password and real results.

Like I said, posting a trade log on yet another third-party website doesn’t really have anything to do with running a Ponzi backend.

And with none of this regulated, dismissing the potential for Ponzi fraud is irresponsible.

You might be comfortable with that, I’m not and the potential for fraud needs to be pointed out. Especially when you’re talking about automated pooled trading accounts and when none of this is regulated!

Why is it I can accept your point of view but you’re having such trouble with the reverse?

Without registration with the SEC, soliciting investments on advertised monthly ROI predictions is a huge compliance red flag in MLM .

I could not and do not give a stuff about what it means in the world of shady unregistered forex brokers.

And on that note, your first reaction to this MLM review was to run off to a forex site and solicit opinion from forex investors.

Run the solicitation of investment on the promise of up to 15% monthly ROIs, lack of regulatory registration and chain-recruitment issues past an MLM attorney?

And I’ve even reduce that to running it by someone familiar with the MLM industry but, well here we are.

(And by MLM attorney I don’t mean some random law firm in the Netherlands nobody has ever heard of)

We can deal with this once the post has been corrected to be accurate.

I did already reference that one of the brokers we use is used to manage Superannuation funds (ASIC approved for pension funds)

You didn’t say that in post #6. “We are just about to launch a new brokerage partnership” normally means that it hasn’t been launched yet.

We are just about to launch a new brokerage partnership with a broker that has been cleared from the management of Superannuation funds by ASIC.

So my question was relevant enough. Are the current broker-dealers registered with or licensed by relevant authorities, e. g. SEC or FINRA?

In case they are licensed — in which country or countries?

You won’t need to answer the question if you don’t know the answer. I’m only trying to clarify something here.

M Norway : You didn’t say that in post #6. “We are just about to launch a new brokerage partnership” normally means that it hasn’t been launched yet.

So my question was relevant enough. Are the current broker-dealers registered with or licensed by relevant authorities, e. g. SEC or FINRA?

In case they are licensed — in which country or countries?

You won’t need to answer the question if you don’t know the answer. I’m only trying to clarify something here.

Unfortunately Oz is stubbornly sticking to what amounts to a wild conspiracy theory that would involve at 5SS and at least 3 other brokers colluding to present fake results and also duping Myfxbook into presenting these fake results.

Until this is cleared up it does not warrant moving onto the next points.

One point of clarification though, my comment referring to ASIC in the near future did not mean we use unregulated brokers now.

(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)

On that new broker we will be launching another trader that makes this one we have now look average.

I will be sure to post the verifiable results going forward when we launch it – as we always do.

^^ TLDR: Despite the offering of securities, neither 5 Star Signals or the brokers they use are registered with the SEC.

5SS and at least 3 other brokers colluding to present fake results and also duping Myfxbook into presenting these fake results.

Numbers on a screen don’t have to correlate to purported trades. Ditto the actual flow of money on the backend.

That’s a risk you take when you dump funds into unregistered and unregulated blackhole brokers. Failing to acknowledge that is irresponsible due-diligence.

I will not repeat what has already been extensively pointed out, that a PAMM model through licensed brokers is impossible for anyone to manipulate.

And we have asked about those brokers. 🙂

You can probably tell us which countries those brokers are licensed in?

We have asked specifically about broker-dealer license from SEC, FINRA or any other relevant authority. 5 Star Signals is clearly trying to promote itself and the related forex service in the U. S., e. g. you have specific rules indicating that.

From the Terms And Conditions … SECTION 3 — OPERATING A 5SS© BUSINESS … 3.2.7.

The Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission each have laws that restrict telemarketing practices. Both federal agencies (as well as a number of states) have “do not call” regulations as part of their telemarketing laws. Many countries have these regulations as well.

^^ TLDR: Despite the offering of securities, neither 5 Star Signals or the brokers they use are registered with the SEC.

Can you tell me the names of the brokers we use that you have determined are “unregistered and unregulated blackhole brokers.” please Oz?

Since you talk about due diligence in the same breath.

Can you tell me the names of the brokers we use that you have determined are “unregistered and unregulated blackhole brokers.” please Oz?

The names are irrelevant, only that the brokers 5 Star Signals are affiliated with are not registered with the SEC is of significance.

If they were, you’d have provided the relevant information 88 comments ago.

(Ozedit: Unless you’re going to provide information pertaining to the brokers 5 Star Signals uses being registered with the SEC, stop posting spammy comments.)

We have 3 brokers, all from different parts of the world, all under different regulations and all displaying the exact same results.

Care to explain how this would be remotely possible under your theory of Ponzi play?

We have 3 brokers, all from different parts of the world, all under different regulations and all displaying the exact same results.

Which regulations? Which regulatory agencies are these brokers registered with?

None of them appear to be registered with the SEC, or you’d have readily provided the information.

Care to explain how this would be remotely possible under your theory of Ponzi play?

Not until you transition from vague marketing statements to actual regulatory registration details, see above.

(Ozedit: Right. Anything further from you that does not disclose the requested regulatory registration details will be marked as spam.)

Craig is wasting my time dancing around the fact that neither 5 Star Signals or their brokers are registered with the SEC (or any other securities regulator for that matter).

This is an issue because both 5 Star Signals and the brokers they use are offering securities to 5 Star Signals affiliates. It also opens the door for fraud (Ponzi or otherwise), because shady brokers operating in unregulated environments is a recipe for disaster.

Failure to acknowledge that is failure in adequate due-diligence, which within the context of today’s MLM business opportunity landscape, is not an option.

Especially when this particular opportunity is advertising monthly ROIs of up to 15% on its website.

Pending regulatory registration details from Craig (or 5 Star Signals), that’s that.

We have 3 brokers, all from different parts of the world, all under different regulations and all displaying the exact same results.

Just forget it. You don’t seem to be able to answer it anyway. Mariska can probably try to answer it.

Both of you claim the brokers are licensed, but both of you have been very vague about details.

Every day the broker is sending the member an overview of all transactions on their account, wins and losses, all transparent.

Now, we only operate through licensed broker partners.

If asked by authorities we can also show the accounts are traded by fully licensed traders.

Care to explain how this would be remotely possible under your theory of Ponzi play?

I’m not sure what you’re talking about there? I haven’t had time to focus on any theories yet.

To clarify something here, I’m looking into this 5 Star Signals topic for the first time, so I have mostly asked questions. But I have also added some sources to look at.

I am into forex for about 6 years now. Forex is a difficult market to earn money unless you have the education to do this in a proper way.

I am making money in forex and I can live from that money but to earn my money it takes a lot of my time. I was always looking for a way to make it easier for me and stumbled upon Pamm accounts.

5StarSignals presented their strategies and I started my own investigation on them.

Myfxbook is a fully respected and independent, company where people who manage forex accounts can attach their accounts to and then show the real results to the world.

This is what 5StarSIgnals did and to be honest, I am really impressed. I allready know who the brokers are that they are dealing with as that is not such a big secret when you do a little investigation and must say that those brokers are topnotch, so I don’t really see what your problem is with 5StarSignals.

They offer people the possibility to join for only $ 7 a month (a normal bankaccount costs more a month!) and people can get access to all their strategies. If people want to built a business (and get access to the pamms) they can look for other interested people. People that want to learn more about how to trade for themselves can join a higher level (silver or gold).

As a forex trader for 6 years I don’t understand the fuzz you are making about this company, in my opinion it is fully legal and thanks to this complete story I am going to start with an account with them.

With all due respect, dumping funds in 5 Star Signals on the expectation of advertised monthly ROI projections is not “education”. Nor is it a “strategy”.

It’s a securities offering that should be regulated by appropriate securities regulators, namely the SEC in the US.

not a securities regulator and are thus irrelevant.

I allready know who the brokers are that they are dealing with.

Are any of them registered with the SEC or at the very least a securities regulator in any jurisdiction?

I don’t really see what your problem is with 5StarSignals.

بالطبع لا. You’re making money and you’re here to defend that.

People with vested financial interests typically make the worst reviewers.

in my opinion it is fully legal and thanks to this complete story I am going to start with an account with them.

حظا سعيدا. We provide information and what you do with it is up to you. لاأكثر ولا أقل.

Oz: Myfxbook is not a securities regulator and are thus irrelevant.

Myfxbook is independant and is highly respected in the forex world, ghis is more relevant than people sitting behind a desk thinking they know what they are talking about.

Oz: Are any of them registered with the SEC or at the very least a securities regulator in any jurisdiction?

Yes they are, SEC is not relevant, that’s only US. But they have regulations like SEC from many countries.

Oz: Of course not. You’re making money and you’re here to defend that.

People with vested financial interests typically make the worst reviewers.

Again you are a bad reader. I don’t have an account with 5StarSignals yet, but am impressed by their results, so I am going to open an account with them.

Untill now I was making money myself but that takes a lot of time, for only $ 7 a month this is heaven for all traders.

Oz: Best of luck. We provide information and what you do with it is up to you. لاأكثر ولا أقل.

not a securities regulator and are therefore irrelevant.

Who is registered with who then?

Why is obtaining this information from 5 Star Signals and their affiliates akin to drawing blood from a stone?

SEC is not relevant, that’s only US. But they have regulations like SEC from many countries.

1. Has 5 Star Signals accepted funds from US investors? If so the SEC are entirely relevant.

2. What regulators? Which countries?

I don’t have an account with 5StarSignals yet, but am impressed by their results, so I am going to open an account with them.

And in doing so demonstrate a lack of regard for proper regulatory registrations. Like I said, you make money this way and are defending it. That’s fine, but let’s not pretend you’re being objective about it.

You’re here to defend making money in unregistered securities.

one of the brokers 5SS uses is Tallinex. on oct 3rd,2018 mariska langenberg commented on FB:

Mariska van de Langenberg: Already available on Tallinex.

from tallinex FAQ:

Is Tallinex regulated?

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) in St Vincent and the Grenadines is responsible for ensuring that Tallinex complies with its obligations under the IBC Act.

The FSA enforces strict business practices equal to or exceeding requirements of financial services regulators in other countries.

but here is what the FSA of ‘st vincent and the gredadines’ has to say about IBC’s [international business companies] which are engaging in forex trading and brokerage:

Financial Services Authority [st vincent&grenadine]

“The Financial Services Authority (the “Authority”) wishes to advise that it does not ‘Regulate, Monitor or Supervise” International Business Companies (IBCs) which engage in FOREX Trading or Brokerage. Statements of this nature are a misrepresentation of the Authority’s supervisory powers with respect to IBCs.

The Authority does not approve or sanction the business activities of IBCs upon their incorporation. The extent of supervision of IBCs goes no further than to ensure that IBCs comply with their obligations under the International Business Companies Act.

The Authority also does not license the activity of FOREX Trading or Brokerage and any IBC purporting to be licensed by the Authority to conduct this business activity is making a false statement.

no wonder craig and mariska are taking everyone for a wild ride around and round the mulberry bush. they can hadly tell you about their ‘brokers’ and their ‘shifty’ registrations.

tallinex is a scammy broker with no registration for forex trading, and on top of that it provides accounts to US citizens.

good luck to 5SS investors trying to get their investments or earnings back from tallinex.

hey mariska and craig, i think we should all write to the svgfsa [FSA of stvincent&grenadine] asking for clarification on tallinex’ registration there for forex trading. they have a ‘contact us’ حلقة الوصل.

Craig is wasting my time dancing around the fact that neither 5 Star Signals or their brokers are registered with the SEC (or any other securities regulator for that matter).

I haven’t got any meaningful answers either. 🙂

5 Star Signals doesn’t seem to be very active. The so called “educational videos” on Youtube had up to 673 views (in one year). The account had 795 subscribers.

“5 Star Signals Attraction Marketing – Facebook”

69 views in one month (not very active)

Here’s one example for your Ponzi theory:

5 Year 5 Star Strategy – Passive Automated!

217 views since April 13 2018.

That last video should remove any doubts about “passive investment scheme” for that part of the program.

Two videos out of 85 were in Dutch (Netherland), as far as I could see. I only had a quick look at the video titles.

Wikipedia — Foreign exchange fraud.

Frauds might include churning of customer accounts for the purpose of generating commissions, selling software that is supposed to guide the customer to large profits, improperly managed “managed accounts”, false advertising, Ponzi schemes and outright fraud.

ويشير أيضا إلى أي وسيط التجزئة الفوركس الذي يشير إلى أن تداول العملات الأجنبية هو استثمار منخفض المخاطر، وارتفاع الأرباح.

The forex trading component here doesn’t need to be a Ponzi scheme.

SEC Consumer warning — binary options (including forex). I believe it’s originally from 2018. I’m only quoting a fraction of it.

Certain Registration and Regulatory Requirements of the CFTC.

It is illegal for entities to solicit, accept offers, offer to or enter into commodity options transactions (for example, foreign currencies , metals such as gold and silver, and agricultural products such as wheat or corn) with U. S. citizens, unless those options transactions are conducted on a designated contract market, an exempt board of trade, or a bona fide foreign board of trade, or are conducted with U. S. customers who have a net worth that exceeds $5 million.

To see the most recent list of exchanges that are designated as contract markets, check the CFTC website.

There currently are only three designated contract markets offering binary options in the U. S.: Cantor Exchange LP; Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.; and the North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc.

All other entities offering binary options that are commodity options transactions are doing so illegally.

I see this conversation has rumbled on and on creating tons of fresh content for your website.

Most of my posts were “necessary research”.

It’s the first time I’m looking into a forex based MLM. I tried first to get some answers from Craig about broker-dealer licenses (countries), but I only got vague answers.

In the U. S., the opportunity part of 5SS will probably be seen as a pyramid scheme — not even a product based one.

It doesn’t really matter that 5SS have some “customers”, since the product (forex) can’t legally be sold in the U. S. — if I interpreted the SEC warning correctly.

I haven’t come to any conclusion about Ponzi scheme. They do exist in forex trading, but they are not the most common solution if organizers want to make a profit — there’s many other methods available there.

Some of the videos targeted specific groups of people, e. g. 5SS was presented as a solution to save up a retirement fund or to finance college education — “plan for the future” marketing.

That’s relatively “predatory marketing”. 5 Stars Signals use methods that are more common in frauds than in normal business.

There’s simply too many red flags here.

I’m not very eager to reflect some “forex world ideas”, e. g. the idea that “the other ones are worse” . I’m pretty sure there’s many bad forex programs out there, but it doesn’t make this one any better.

BTW, here’s another link, “Binary Option Scams”. The website seems to be promotional, but it does offer some relevant information about how investors can be tricked.

Craig : Can you tell me the names of the brokers we use that you have determined are “unregistered and unregulated blackhole brokers.” please Oz?

well, we found one broker called tallinex, who is not registered for forex trading anywhere. then we’re waiting patiently for langenberg and craig to explain themselves.

but, langenberg and craig have conveniently run away.

running away like this will not inspire any confidence in their investors.

with a caribbean island business like tallinex, which is not registered as a forex trader anywhere, which is investing the money of US citizens without [US] SEC registration, there are solid grounds for suspecting a ‘ponzi scheme’ in 5SS.

langenberg and craig are no longer in a position to Insist that we all concur with them, about 5SS Definitely Not being a ponzi scheme.

now langenberg and craig must come back here and provide answers for the ‘pyramid scheme’ they are also running in 5SS.

they barged in here with the loud confidence of liars, and promptly ran away when we turned on the heat.

do people really want to invest any money with 5SS who’s CEO mariska langenberg and trade analyst craig, cannot stand their ground and complete the discussion?

Any news you’d like to share with us from your Skype call with them?

There was no Skype call. No point, a Skype call isn’t going to fix compliance issues.

in response to the butt kicks 5SS is receiving here, and on FB, craig walters started an FB conversation with 5SS affiliates, about their experience with the company.

has the company misrepresented anything? have you been forced to recruit? do you think 5SS is a ponzi? do you hate 5SS even though you had losses?

in short, meaningless questions^^, with a handful of faithfuls going gaga.

no serious questions about who the brokers of 5SS are, and their registration. no clarification on the recruitment commissions paid out on the monthly autoship.

a commentator on craig walters FB, mentioned the name of hotforex, who claim to be forex traders registered with the FSC mauritius.

5SS investor:If people think this is a ponzi, then id like them to show me…all ive done is open an account with Hotforex and traded using 5 Star Signals Strategies… that doesnt speak of ponzi to me!

hotforex claims it is registered under the name of HF markets limited with the FSC mauritius under section 2-1B:

HF Markets Limited, has a Category 1 Global Business License issued by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of the Republic of Mauritius under the name of HF Markets Limited.

well, i tried searching for ‘HF Markets Limited’and ‘HF Markets LTD’ in the FSC mauritius public registry and it did not show up.

Activity: Section 2-1.B Investment Dealer (Full Service Dealer Excluding Underwriting)

Name: HF Markets Limited.

No Records Found.

can someone else also try looking for the registration of HF Markets Limited with the FSC mauritius, to ensure i have not made an error?

we have already established that one broker of 5SS ie ‘tallinex’ is not registered to do forex trading in the caribbean island of st vincent&grenadine.

lets check hotforex out!

anjali : (some idiots on FB asked) has the company misrepresented anything? have you been forced to recruit? do you think 5SS is a ponzi? do you hate 5SS even though you had losses?

Do people in the Matrix know they’re in the Matrix? Is asking potential victims of a fraud “are you a victim” even logical?

hotforex claims it is registered under the name of HF markets limited with the FSC mauritius under section 2-1B:

It showed a license from April 20 2018 . So it doesn’t really mean anything.

It doesn’t even meet the requirements in the Conditions.

looks like mariska made an explanation about it:

Recently we were made aware of an article that had appeared on a website which discussed 5 Star Signals.

The individual came to us to raise concerns that 5SS had been implied to be a Ponzi scam.

The 5SS team is very used to dealing with such misconceptions and upon hearing about the post, Craig, who oversees the trading department of 5SS went over to clear things up.

That article wasn’t written by van de Langenberg:

We are very proud of our CEO not despite of her previous endeavors but because of them.

It’s Craig Walters who I spam-binned him here because he couldn’t provide details about 5 Star Signals regulatory registrations . Nor that of the third-party brokers they use.

After a hundred or so comments of him dodging the issue and providing strawman arguments about some forex website, enough was enough.

From the points raised in the article:

Mariska van de Langenberg joined various scams. These weren’t legit businesses that somehow turned scam, they were outright fraudulent businesses from the beginning – and van de Langenberg was attracted to them as an MLM marketer.

Leaving after she’d made money and they were in decline isn’t commendable. The least van de Langenberg can do is own her past, instead of trying to justify it as “it could have happened to anyone”.

5SS offer Forex training forums.

Who is paying hundreds of dollars a month to access to a forum populated with third-party information, without the attached passive investment business opportunity?

Gold $497 a month.

The first rule about the gold forum is, you do not talk about the gold forum.

With a mixture of it being hard to explain and also not wanting to disclose too much we will not give any details about what goes on in the gold forum.

Right… nothing scammy going on there. And what a pitch for retail customers…

It’s obvious only passive investor affiliates are going to cough up $450 a month to participate in what is obviously not compliant activity 5 Star Signals are pushing in their Gold forum.

Thus the majority of funds entering 5 Star Signals are affiliate-sourced, making it a pyramid scheme that pays on affiliate recruitment.

The rest of it is Craig Walters’ strawman arguments I marked as spam here. And rightly so, seeing as they don’t address the lack of regulatory registration (important because securities are offered to affiliates) and recruitment-centric compensation plan.

The red flags here are too numerous and it’s basically begging for a regulatory shutdown.

$497 a month for access to ‘*winkwinknudgenudge* nothing illegal going on here’ content, a CEO with a fraud-riddled past and securities being offered with no regulatory registration anywhere on the planet?

Welcome to the MLM underbelly.

may I suggest to have a call with her on Skype and have a look behind the screens.

You can go on and on and start repeating it while you can easily make a call, talk about it, get some more behind the screen information and hopefully get some real facts on table.

Stop making all kinds of accusations while blocking the people defending their business.

There is no reason to take the discussion offsite.

Either 5 Star Signals is registered with the SEC or they are offering unregistered securities to US citizens. It’s that simple.

And skirting the securities registration issue with nonsense about third-party forex websites isn’t “defending a business”, it’s wasting mine and my reader’s time.

Either cough up the SEC registration documents or stop posting spam. That’s pretty simple too.

Who is Craig Walters, anyway? I see no evidence of him existing on the internet aside from Facebook and a pinch of forex forums, and his trading background is sketchy at best.

No pictures of himself, no proof that he’s even real.

I think this guy might be cat fishing us, and maybe the company itself.

Just like the mysterious Marie Shaw probably was before she “passed” after losing a substantial amount of money in the PAMM accounts she was managing herself and deleting any trace of herself from the internet that she could.

I want to see a background check on this supposed forex expert next and maybe even a real name for a change.

Walters is some guy in Europe who’s new to the MLM industry and believes he’s above regulatory compliance.

That’s pretty much the impression I’m getting.

Seems to me he’s new to forex as well. It also might be worth looking into what kind of money the company is making off being a middle man between actual traders.

5 Star Signals is absolutely making money off the investments going into these PAMM accounts, or why else do it?

In the past they’ve also definitely offered investment advice based on “signals” to trade specific currency sets, as I’m sure they are still doing in these forums they are so mysterious about, hence the “Signals” part of the company name.

There’s no way this is legal.

Andreas : may I suggest to have a call with her on Skype and have a look behind the screens.

no one is asking for any ‘secret’ information that can only be divulged via ‘secrety’ skype calls.

why cannot mariska langenberg and craig walters provide clarifications right here?

this invitation for person to person skype chats is a scammers excuse, to deflect blame on another party – oh, we were ready to explain ourselves but oz didn’t cooperate!

c’mon buddy, explain yourself Here or the ‘scammer’ label sticks!

Who is Craig Walters, anyway? I see no evidence of him existing on the internet aside from Facebook and a pinch of forex forums, and his trading background is sketchy at best.

He’s the voice in some of the videos (post #103).

M Norway : He’s the voice in some of the videos (post #103).

A voice does not make a person who he claims to be. My boyfriend can do a spot on Cher impression, but he doesn’t have the wigs to back it up if you catch my drift.

5SS is under no regulations at all.

It is important to understand anything you do off of the 5starsignals or 5ssforex are not business transactions with 5SS.

We sell memberships, we teach trading, we link with (the best) FX traders.

Regulations are on financial advice and accepting investment.

the above quote is by craig walters in his ‘rebuke-to-behindmlm-review-on-5-star-signals’ published on the 5SS website.

5SS may not be trading themselves, but they are soliciting investments under their management, advising clients to tie up to ‘particular’ forex traders they have selected, and are receiving commissions from the forex traders on their clients investments.

this makes 5SS a ‘investment advisor’ which the SEC [USA] defines as:

Definition of Investment Adviser.

Section 202(a)(11) of the Act defines an investment adviser as any person or firm that:

1] for compensation;

2] is engaged in the business of;

3] providing advice to others or issuing reports or analyses regarding securities.

1] 5SS receives commissions from the brokers appointed by them:

craig walters: We make additional revenues by referring business to other entities.

craig walters: Lot of people expect we must take a front end fee on your investment.

We could, we don’t.

This is very important since it is the difference between us making money if we mislead people or not.

If we done this, any investments, we’d be paid on.

Since we do not, we do not make any decent money until we have made you money.

as far as i understand, 5SS takes money from the brokers on trades, and also takes money on profitable trades of their clients. this is a ‘double dip’

so 5SS is receiving ‘compensation’, thus satisfying point 1] of the SEC definition of ‘investment adviser’.

2] is engaged in the business of…

5SS is clearly ‘engaged’ in the ‘business’ as evidenced by its interactive website soliciting clients to forex trade via third party forex traders ‘selected’ by themselves through ‘links’ provided by 5SS.

3] providing advice to others or issuing reports or analyses regarding securities.

this is how the SEC defined ‘advice’:

Advice about Securities. A person clearly meets the third element of the statutory test if he provides advice to others about specific securities, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, limited partnerships, and commodity pools.

The more difficult questions arise with less specific advice, or advice that is only indirectly about securities.

The SEC staff has stated in this regard:

(i) advice about market trends is advice about securities;

(ii) advice about the selection and retention of other advisers is advice about securities;

(iii) advice about the advantages of investing in securities versus other types of investments (e. g., coins or real estate) is advice about securities;

(iv) providing a selective list of securities is advice about securities even if no advice is provided as to any one security and.

(v) asset allocation advice is advice about securities.

5SS discuses market trends, links it’s clients to particular brokers, provides strategies for trading [training], and provides ‘options’ [asset allocation] for investing by advising allocation of particular amounts of funds under different risk ratios – all this safely dumps 5SS in the ‘investment adviser’ category.

thus, craig walter’s arguments that 5SS is not obliged to be ‘regulated’ at all is bunkum.

further the SEC states:

A non-U. S. adviser giving advice to U. S. persons must register with the SEC.

5SS which is registered in ireland, cannot solicit US clients without an SEC registration.

further 5SS brokers cannot accept US clients without SEC registration.

at least two brokers of 5SS ‘tallinex’ and ‘hotforex’ are lying about their registrations for forex trading. their trade accounts are not audited by financial firms to ensure that the client PAMM accounts are secure.

who knows what goes on in these bottom of the barrel, blackhole, unregistered, unregulated forex traders?

craig walters refuses to answer questions about the legality of 5SS brokers. he asks people to depend on third party review sites and the clients own due diligence. so if clients lose their money via 5SS it will be ‘their own fault’.

SEC: Section 202(a)(11) of the Act defines an investment adviser as any person or firm that:

1] for compensation;

2] is engaged in the business of;

3] providing advice to others or issuing reports or analyses regarding securities.

i would like to further clarify the SEC’s stand on ‘compensation’ so that craig walters does not invent some wiggle room to misguide 5SS investors:

The term “compensation” has been broadly construed.

Generally, the receipt of any economic benefit, whether in the form of an advisory fee, some other fee relating to the total services rendered, a commission, or some combination, satisfies this element.

The person receiving the advice or another person may pay the compensation.

5SS sells memberships which enables clients to invest with forex traders. 5SS earns on these memberships. hence 5SS receives ‘some other fee relating to the total services rendered’.

further, 5SS receives compensation from the brokers it refers clients to via links, hence though clients may not directly pay 5SS, it is getting commissions ie ‘another person may pay the compensation’.

craig walters must explain all this to us.

it does not matter whether amsterdam is in norway or the netherlands. stay relevant.

aw, these 5SS people are laughing at us, ie oz and commentators on this thread, for not knowing enough about forex trading:

craig walters: It is a group of bloggers sitting about talking about Forex, confusing it with Binary options and refusing the offer of educational resources to get up to speed.

cut the crap walters, no one wants to discuss forex trading with you.

-why 5SS is not registered with the SEC, but is still offering its services in the USA. if you guys are as honest as you claim to be, why not register?

-why 5SS الوسطاء غير مسجلة في المجلس الأعلى للتعليم أو في أي مكان آخر في العالم. also, name all your brokers, don’t be secretive.

-why 5SS is not a pyramid scheme.

lumping a product [forex training] with self qualifying monthly autoship and commissions is Illegal. dont give me the BS about people having to pay a onetime 10$ fee to become affiliates.

there is ONLY a one time 10$ difference in being a retail customer or an affiliate, and such psuedo compliance BS will never stand before the SEC or a court. 5SS has no retail margin to encourage retail.

if 5SS wants to indulge in MLM underbelly business and expect their clients to accept those risks, it’s fine, it’s your head on the chopping board.

but, do not claim legitimacy and misguide people. even scammers should scam honestly!

why cannot mariska langenberg and craig walters provide clarifications right here?

Yeah right! If you block them the case is closed I guess, end of discussion for them.

why cannot mariska langenberg and craig walters provide clarifications right here?

Walters refused to provide regulatory registration information for 5 Star Signals or their third-party brokers.

Rather than concede a lack of regulatory registration, he kept publishing offtopic information about third-party forex websites. This I marked as spam, along with any other derail attempt comments he left.

I don’t recall removing anything from Langenberg. She published the one comment and did a runner.

why cannot mariska langenberg and craig walters provide clarifications right here?

Yeah right! If you block them the case is closed I guess, end of discussion for them.

he had 31 chances and she had one and only chose to post a long winded scammer screed which is what they do instead of addressing the facts. they failed miserably.

All they had to do is answer one simple question and provide proof.

though i could not find hotforex registered with the mauritius FSC, it is registered with the cypriot SEC [CySEC].

hotforex was illegally providing accounts to US citizens, but was stopped from doing this in mid 2018. an email sent out by hotforex to US clients stated:

Even though HotForex does not have any offices and/or operations in the U. S. and does not engage in the solicitation of clients it was communicated to us that the CFTC does not allow us to offer our services on a cross-border basis to U. S. clients.

Therefore, it is with great regret to inform you that HotForex will no longer be offering its services to new or existing U. S. clients.

it appears the FSC mauritius was twisting hotforex’s arm:

Any positions left open will be closed at the prevailing market price at that time and all pending orders will be deleted.

Please note that the deadline may change if it is necessitated by our regulators, the Financial Services Commission in Mauritius.

^^this implies hotforex WAS registered with the mauritius FSC in the past. but, it does not show up in the mauritius FSC registry anymore?

now its time for the CFTC to stop tallinex from illegally accepting US clients.

There has been a lot of adverse comments here about 5 Star Signals, so to set the record straight I shall share some of my results.

I’ve not recruited or sponsored anyone, so I don’t get an income from there. However the trades that have been placed have overall made a profit for my account – 1.83% yesterday.

That’s far better than many UK banks offer savers for a year, and so I’m quite happy with the service I’m getting.

Yes some trades lose while others win. That’s the nature of forex. The trick is ensuring your winnings are greater than the losses. 5SS is doing that well.

Regards to comments about the brokers used being registered, I’m based in the UK so the SEC isn’t relevant to me. HF Markets is registered with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and so I have the reassurance that all is above board.

If you want to attack something that is an all-out scam, then go for the binary option robot sellers. They ‘give’ people a free robot tool that has to link in with their chosen unregulated broker. The binary options they chose are a 50/50 toss of a coin, and the ‘robots’ have no risk management functions by and large.

It’s only a matter of time before your trading account has been drained, yet the people offering the scheme have been paid a commission by the broker.

I’m sufficiently clued up with trading to see that’s not happening at 5SS!

For a matter of balance I shall post my results here week in, week out and let the readers judge for themselves whether this is a scam or not.

I’ve not recruited or sponsored anyone, so I don’t get an income from there. However the trades that have been placed have overall made a profit for my account.

You dumped funds in 5SS or through them, on the expectation of a passive ROI.

That’s a security and 5SS are not registered with a securities regulatory anywhere in the world (AFAIK).

Craig and Mariska haven’t gone silent. They’re just not wasting their time on a bunch of losers.

Dean Black (Craig Walters doesn’t exist) and Mariska have both abandoned their Facebook accounts. Both were otherwise posting multiple times a week before the 5 Star Signals fraud was made public.

I’d be pretty ashamed too if I’d launched an MLM company built on lies.

SteveT seems like an honest type of guy. He even posts his real name and thus identifies himself for all to see.

There can’t be that many Steve T’s in the world, right?

Could SteveT be Mariska or Dean?

I just checked and neither Dean nor Mariska has posted ANYTHING on their Facebook pages since they were BUSTED by Oz.

The truth will set you free. Well, maybe not for some. Right, SteveT?

tallinex FAQ: Is Tallinex regulated?

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) in St Vincent and the Grenadines is responsible for ensuring that Tallinex complies with its obligations under the IBC Act.

The FSA enforces strict business practices equal to or exceeding requirements of financial services regulators in other countries.

the svgfsa [financial services authority of st vincent and grenadine] has finally responded to my email, CONFIRMING that tallinex is NOT regulated for its Forex Trade.

thus people trusting tallinex as their forex trader are Not Protected in any way, as no regulatory authority is keeping tabs on their forex business.

Your email in relation to the captioned matter is acknowledged.

Tallinex is a Registered International Business Company within the State of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The FSA ensures that it complies with its necessary statutory obligations under the International Business Companies (Amendment and Consolidation) Act.

Please be advised that the FSA does not ‘regulate, monitor or supervise’ FOREX Trading.

An IBC incorporated in SVG is authorised to engage in any business activity without additional approval from the FSA, except where its proposed business activity amounts to banking, insurance or mutual fund business, as these activities are licensed activities.

The FSA has taken the position that until such time that appropriate legislation is put in place to address FOREX activities there is no prohibition against an IBC carrying out that activity.

It is reiterated however that the FSA does not regulate FOREX Trading.

Legal Officer (Ag)

Financial Services Authority.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Thank you MLM Broken Model. I am an honest type of guy… the T stands for Thomas by the way. What’s your true name by the way?

As regards US law, which is where most of your securities arguments seem to originate, I’m not governed by them so as I said before the SEC has no bearing on me at all.

All I can see is that I have a forex trading account held with a regulated broker that’s making a profit. نهاية القصة.

BTW, Mariska and Dean/Craig are still very much active on FB.

SteveT : BTW, Mariska and Dean/Craig are still very much active on FB.

mariska langenberg is back on FB showing off about 5SS forex broker tallinex, which is Not regulated for forex trading anywhere in the world.

dean/craig is understandably still absent. who knows what avatar he will appear in! right, steve T [T for thomas]?

it doesn’t matter if T stands for thomas or tinkerbell, as long as your’e not asking people to invest money based on your internet persona like dean/craig.

mariska langenberg is back on FB showing off about 5SS forex broker tallinex, which is Not regulated for forex trading anywhere in the world.

i recd a second mail [dt:5/nov/2018] from the svgfsa, further clarifying their position on tallinex forex traders, through which 5 star signals offers forex accounts to US citizens:

I write further to your emails sent in October, 2018 and wish to advise that the company you stated, Tallinex Limited is an International Business Company (IBC) registered with the Financial Services Authority of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (FSA).

Please be advised that an IBC is authorised to engage in any business activity without additional approval from the FSA, except where its proposed business activity amounts to banking, insurance or mutual fund business, as these activities are licensed FSA activities.

Until such time that appropriate legislation is put in place to address forex activities, there is no prohibition against an IBC carrying out that activity or from so stating in its Articles of Incorporation.

It is however advised that IBCs which do carry on this activity take the necessary steps to ensure that they obtain the required authorization from the jurisdictions wherein they actually conduct the forex activity.

For example, both the USA and Canada require all forex companies who solicit business from citizens of those countries to be registered / licensed in the USA or Canada respectively.

Please be advised further that Tallinex Ltd which engaged in forex trading activities has been doing so at its own risk, or at the risk of the jurisdiction where it obtained authorization to conduct such business as it is not regulated by the FSA.

This is essentially the “Warning” on the FSA’s website, and I observe that you have included a part of same in your e-mail.

The FSA will also post a warning singling out this IBC on its website soon.

If there are any investors experiencing difficulties that you are aware please advise them to forward their complaint to the FSA with all the details of the nature of the problem so assistance can be given on this end.

They are also advised to contact the relevant Authority overseas which licensed Tallinex Ltd to conduct forex business and report your complaint.

so, the svgfsa will soon carry a warning specifically addressing tallinex.

and, we know that tallinex is operating illegally, in at least the US and canada.

i wonder how many countries allow IBC’s registered in ‘st vincent and grenadines’ to collect money from their citizens for high risk forex trading.

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anjali: " alterego: There’s no venue for this shindig but perhaps it would be an easy. " anjali: " Oz charles scoville: I’m not just saying garbage on fb to pass the time… I have a lot. " anjali: " Oz: Uh, I believe Ken Labine is currently making his away around the US ranting about. " Oz: "however, dagcoin is being smart and avoiding the USA. Uh, I believe Ken Labine is currently. " anjali: "kari wahlroos is claiming dagcoin has reached 45000 affiliates from around the world. "

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